Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Simple Bipartisan Plan to Reform American Healthcare

My proposal is simple: Mandatory reporting of medical errors for health care institutions and health care providers PAIRED with a $250K cap on each malpractice lawsuit. Rationale: Medical error is the 7th leading cause of death in U.S. With mandatory reporting and public assess to this data base, there will be a radical change in health care. No longer will bad health care providers be protected by a veil of secrecy. In 2007 then Senators Clinton and Obama proposed mandatory reporting of medical errors but their bill was blocked by Republicans who insisted on putting a $250K cap on malpractice law suits. I say let the Republicans have that. Even with a $250 cap on law suits, how many hits could a doctor or hospital survive before losing their license given a publicly accessible database? Give us a real choice of providers and we will have quality care. By improving quality of care through true oversight by consumers, we can drastically improve the quality of health care and dramatically decrease the cost of health care. Plus with a cap on malpractice law suits, good doctors and hospitals will no longer have to pay premiums to support the bad. Its a win, win, win. The cost of this plan is nominal, the benefits priceless.

Friday, February 19, 2010

How that Hopey-Changey Thing is Working out for U.S.

How that Hopey-Changey Thing is Working Out for U.S.:
