Sunday, August 10, 2014

Colorado Fracking Flood--You Can't Fool Mother Nature

First posted on FB 10/23/13

SUSTAINABILITY AND RESILIENCE--THAT'S WHAT IT'S ABOUT IF WE ARE TO SURVIVE OUR OWN FAILED SOCIETY: "I’m asking that we shift our culture of consumption that is the root cause of all these issues. I’m asking that we recognize and rebuild a society in which the growth imperative is an anachronism, a barbaric incarnation of yesteryear, not the going concern it is today. I’m asking politicians to help create a structure that helps us plan for a non-growing economy, that helps us localize our food sources and transition off of fossil fuels that are becoming too expensive for our economy to afford anyways. I’m asking those same politicians to restructure political institutions in such a way as to be adaptive of current realities (such as climate change) and to help build a resilient society."


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