Sunday, August 10, 2014

First posted on FB 3/21/13:

Regarding "Drumbeat Grows Louder in Congress for Obama to Act on Syria"

Note the racist term "barbaric" in this statement from Graham and McCain. Tell me, how one compares "barbaric use of scuds" to [savage] use of killer drones in 6 countries by US or [inhuman] use of cluster bombs by US soon after our invasion of Afghanistan? Remember when we thought Bin Laden was hiding in a spider cave? Those cluster bombs were dirty bombs. The act of killing involves the act of dehumanizing one's target and rationalizing it by distancing oneself from them, sometimes through dehumanization process. Through this process one tends to dehumanize themselves so they can commit this ultimate crime of taking another human life. Ultimately violence never accomplishes anything except more violence.

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