Sunday, January 10, 2010

Sue Lowden: More of the Same?

Two themes emerge in the posts on the Facebook page for Sue Lowden's campaign: strong dislike for Reid and a lack of knowledge about Lowden by her supporters. I’ve met both of them, Lowden is way more personable, but neither is very forthcoming about their backgrounds or (oftentimes) their positions on key issues. When they do provide statements it is typically sanitized political party line talking points.

Much of Reid’s background is Nevada history and lore, but Lowden’s own bio on her webpage is missing some key pieces of info. She says she is a philanthropist, so where did she get her money? Before I throw my support behind any candidate, I “Google” them. When I researched Sue Lowden, I found her business affiliations with her husband Paul at Archon. Then I Googled “Paul Lowden and Harry Reid” I found some provocative links. I’m sure some are fabrications, but all should be critically evaluated. I sent Sue Lowden’s campaign a query asking them to clarify between Argent and Archon Corporations and to please provide statements about various articles’ alleged ties between the Reid, the Lowdens, and the mob. So far I have received no response.

I consider myself very patriotic and I want what is best for my country. I am not wed or beholden to any political party and I believe it is my civic duty to be an informed voter. I wish both major parties would stop exploiting their loyal bases to advance the agendas of whoever might be their favored sons or daughters of the day, sometimes at the expense of what is good for the future of our country.

I would encourage all citizens to fight back against the ignorance and blind loyalty that the Republican and Democrat parties are promoting. Stop following Fox on the right and CNN and MSNBS on the left for political commentary. Network news is obliged to big money corporate interests, not the viewers. Strive to find more independent sources of news. Push the media to practice due diligence, but don’t rely others to do all your research. We now have the internet at our fingertips, the most powerful research tool ever devised.

As Americans I believe we have a responsibility to voraciously pursue accurate sources of information, to make politicians and government agencies more accountable and transparent by forcing them to put critical statements and documents on the record. And we should find and support the best political candidates, those who truly represent our views and values. In my opinion it is short-sighted, perhaps self destructive, to set the bar at “anyone but Harry.” We owe it to our country and ourselves to demand more. Perhaps that is Sue Lowden. But shouldn’t we demand to know?

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