Sunday, August 10, 2014

First posted on 6/24/13:

Was just listening to NPR hype up the stock market panic. Thank you corporate media for the daily dose of economic fear mongering. See how low they can drive the market over next few day. This will create a terrific opportunity for the 1% to pick up some stocks for a song while others less endowed run to sell at undervalued prices. Remember when NPR tried to be objective and even had good news stories about small communities? That was before Koch brothers and friends big money put their sting on them with some phony scandals. Now NPR is more like corporate news with fewer ads.

This morning was a poorly researched piece about offshore wind rigs off the coast of New Bedford. All about fear of other. Report quoted some poorly informed local who said the wind industry raised real concerns about fishing industry. As a sidebar the reporter mentioned that former fishing areas are now off limits but neglected to say why. No mention that offshore oil derricks of the Gulf of Mexico have proven to be amazing spawning areas for fish and have restored habitats for various waterfowl such as whooping cranes that prey on the fish. Of course wind derricks have the additional value of not putting the coast at risk with immense discharges of pollutants. But that would stir discussion and we don't want that on our news.

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