Bush lied and people died (including thousands of Americans). Sec. of State Powell was fed misinformation that he took to the UN and forever tarnished our credibility. Now Sec. of State Kerry is lying? VIOLENCE IS NEVER THE ANSWER. Please call you Senator and tell her or him: HELL NO!

"So, Secretary of State John Kerry referenced this photograph when making his speech today, trying to drive home how awful the Syrian chemical attack was as he tried to convince us why we should go to war. One problem. The picture isn't even from Syria. It's from Iraq in 2003. The photographer, Marco di Lauro, said he nearly "fell off his chair" when he saw it was being used to promote a war in Syria. It's getting pretty disturbing to see how far our politicians, both Republican and Democrat, are willing to go to drum up support for a war nobody wants."
Image reposted from: "Iraq, ”The Aftermath of Saddam” by Marco DiLauro, Photographer:
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