Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Letter for DNCC

First posted on FB 6/7/14:
Had to share this, too funny. Maybe they didn't see my name because they spelled it wrong? lol And the irony is that when you click on the link it skips through to a donate now page. Yeah, leave it to the Democrats to make this into a scam to score some cash!

Nancy Pelosi info@obamabiden.com via bounce.bluestatedigital.com
10:15 AM (38 minutes ago)

You are receiving this message as an Obama fo
r America supporter. The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee is solely responsible for the content of this message.

You’re missing out on history: 491,373 people and counting have added their names calling for a Constitutional amendment to end Citizens United.

But -- we don’t see your name. This is your chance to strike a crushing blow to a system that allows the Koch brothers and special interests to buy elections and drown out the voices of regular Americans. This is your chance to stand up for our democracy.

Name: Juila Hammett

We’re just 8,627 signatures short of hitting our goal of 500,000 signatures. Will you add your name now?


signed Nancy Pelosi

Hey, p.s. to Nancy Pelosi, Congresswoman, do you remember how Obama blew off his gentlemen's agreement with John McCain to live by the Campaign Finance Reform rules as soon as he realized he could make more money from small donors? Yeah well, I do. If you want any credibility on this issue, you better lose the obamabiden.com branding.

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