First posted on FB 3/15/14:
I have this terrific crop of students this year. Five are in an
accelerated lab methods/archaeobotanical research class I created this
semester. We spend all day Friday together. Each Friday they learn a
different artifact class, sort/process samples or tours a local
archaeology lab. Its quality time for them and me. Yesterday they worked
on resume and I encouraged them to remember to apply for scholarships.
On the front of the TMCC page right now is a link to scholarships with a
link to a list of scholarships. A number of them are basically creative
writing contests worth $1k-$1.5k which is a super lot for these
students (for most students). The one that really appealed to them was
writing about what you would do during a zombie apocalypse. Ok I get it,
its trendy now--surprised its not trending to the right of this box as I
write this. But what unnerved me was that two (not one) of my students
admitted that they spent a lot of their time in their current mindless
job (at the Gap) thinking about what to do if the zombies show up, where
she would go, etc. And the other student said he thought about it a lot
when he worked for Home Depot. So the competition is on, which is good
for them. But this is what my brightest students are thinking in their
mindless jobs--I think I now get what the zombie craze is all about.
Sunday, August 10, 2014
Anita Hill: American Women Remember
First posted on FB 3/14/14:
I think many of us were dumb struck in 1991 as we watched the Senate hearings for consideration of Clarence Thomas for SCJ and we saw some of the most powerful men in the Senate crucify Anita Hill. I will never forget who was on that Judicial Committee, and I have never been able to fully forgive Chairman Joe Biden for those hearings even though I admire him for many things he has done since then, in particular pushing through the Violence Against Women Act. Nevertheless the Senators' attacks on Anita Hill were a profound step backward for Civil Rights in our country that day. We sacrificed a woman's character, reputation, and career so that a man of inferior ability could be appointed. He has proven to be one of the worst, most ethnically challenged, and least thoughtful SCJs ever. Speaking on the Daily Show about what the Hearings really revealed, Anita Hill said: "What power dynamics look like, and also what to not have a representative body in the Senate actually results in. It results in processes that are being held that are just completely uninformed by the reality of peoples' lives." Members of the Judicial Committee all rallied behind Thomas in a bipartisan manner, acting like they had no idea what sexual harassment was or what it looked like. Yeah, right.
Related to:
I think many of us were dumb struck in 1991 as we watched the Senate hearings for consideration of Clarence Thomas for SCJ and we saw some of the most powerful men in the Senate crucify Anita Hill. I will never forget who was on that Judicial Committee, and I have never been able to fully forgive Chairman Joe Biden for those hearings even though I admire him for many things he has done since then, in particular pushing through the Violence Against Women Act. Nevertheless the Senators' attacks on Anita Hill were a profound step backward for Civil Rights in our country that day. We sacrificed a woman's character, reputation, and career so that a man of inferior ability could be appointed. He has proven to be one of the worst, most ethnically challenged, and least thoughtful SCJs ever. Speaking on the Daily Show about what the Hearings really revealed, Anita Hill said: "What power dynamics look like, and also what to not have a representative body in the Senate actually results in. It results in processes that are being held that are just completely uninformed by the reality of peoples' lives." Members of the Judicial Committee all rallied behind Thomas in a bipartisan manner, acting like they had no idea what sexual harassment was or what it looked like. Yeah, right.
Related to:
Duke Energy: Pollution Makes Economic Cents
First posted on FB 3/8/14:
Crazy cognitive dissonance. Why do we pay these companies to pollute?
Regarding this image posted 2/25/14:

reposted from:
Crazy cognitive dissonance. Why do we pay these companies to pollute?
Regarding this image posted 2/25/14:

reposted from:
Pro-Diplomacy in the Ukraine
First posted on FB 3/9/14:
Having watched McCain and Palin jump into the fray second guessing the Ukrainian crisis and then Cheney this morning, I am grateful for our collective wisdom to not have a Republican in the White House at this time. President Obama, this is not our fight. Walk away U.S.A. Let Merkel take the lead on resolving the Ukrainian crisis and we can support the will of the majority of Ukrainians, provide support for new elections, etc. When we lead with our military everyone gets hurt. Give diplomacy a try.
Having watched McCain and Palin jump into the fray second guessing the Ukrainian crisis and then Cheney this morning, I am grateful for our collective wisdom to not have a Republican in the White House at this time. President Obama, this is not our fight. Walk away U.S.A. Let Merkel take the lead on resolving the Ukrainian crisis and we can support the will of the majority of Ukrainians, provide support for new elections, etc. When we lead with our military everyone gets hurt. Give diplomacy a try.
Corporations: A Conspiracy of Greed and Corruption
First posted on FB 2/9/14:
In general I really hate conspiracy theories. This is not. This is a matter of a couple of financial corporations with a history of being on the wrong side of history, which are still in power. I will link their report below this banner which accurately reflects the sentiments of the recent JPM report: "The political systems in the periphery [of the Eurozone] were established in the aftermath of dictatorship, and were defined by that experience. Constitutions tend to show a strong socialist influence, reflecting the political strength that left wing parties gained after the defeat of fascism. Political systems around the periphery typically display several of the following features: weak executives; weak central states relative to regions; constitutional protection of labor rights; consensus building systems which foster political clientalism; and the right to protest if unwelcome changes are made to the political status quo. The shortcomings of this political legacy have been revealed by the crisis. Countries around the periphery have only been partially successful in producing fiscal and economic reform agendas, with governments constrained by constitutions (Portugal), powerful regions (Spain), and the rise of populist parties (Italy and Greece)."
Regarding image posted on "Another Angry Voice" FB page:
In general I really hate conspiracy theories. This is not. This is a matter of a couple of financial corporations with a history of being on the wrong side of history, which are still in power. I will link their report below this banner which accurately reflects the sentiments of the recent JPM report: "The political systems in the periphery [of the Eurozone] were established in the aftermath of dictatorship, and were defined by that experience. Constitutions tend to show a strong socialist influence, reflecting the political strength that left wing parties gained after the defeat of fascism. Political systems around the periphery typically display several of the following features: weak executives; weak central states relative to regions; constitutional protection of labor rights; consensus building systems which foster political clientalism; and the right to protest if unwelcome changes are made to the political status quo. The shortcomings of this political legacy have been revealed by the crisis. Countries around the periphery have only been partially successful in producing fiscal and economic reform agendas, with governments constrained by constitutions (Portugal), powerful regions (Spain), and the rise of populist parties (Italy and Greece)."
Regarding image posted on "Another Angry Voice" FB page:
The Russian Olympics
First posted on FB 2/8/14:
Am watching the video of the Olympics Grand Opening Ceremony last night. Am I the only one finding this opening alienating or at least alienated? I generally love the opening ceremonies and in general consider myself relatively worldly and pretty well rounded, but I have no idea what most of the images symbolize, even with the American anchors reading their explanations. Clearly this isn't about reaching out to the world and telling us a story about their cultural history and how we are all part of the same humanity (a common theme of the past), but was all about them and their trials and tribulations. Their opening speech was all about them and their great sacrifices and patience--so very introverted and such a disappointment. And the show is so less impressive that China, Australia or GB's, to name a few. Mostly dark, dreary, melancholy, disconnected, almost chaotic at times, perhaps that is accurate for Putin's Russia. Putin's $50b folly is what I am thinking so far. I'll keep watching, about half an hour left of the opening, here comes the flag. Friends, please tell me I'm wrong and help me to see the error of my misunderstandings.
Am watching the video of the Olympics Grand Opening Ceremony last night. Am I the only one finding this opening alienating or at least alienated? I generally love the opening ceremonies and in general consider myself relatively worldly and pretty well rounded, but I have no idea what most of the images symbolize, even with the American anchors reading their explanations. Clearly this isn't about reaching out to the world and telling us a story about their cultural history and how we are all part of the same humanity (a common theme of the past), but was all about them and their trials and tribulations. Their opening speech was all about them and their great sacrifices and patience--so very introverted and such a disappointment. And the show is so less impressive that China, Australia or GB's, to name a few. Mostly dark, dreary, melancholy, disconnected, almost chaotic at times, perhaps that is accurate for Putin's Russia. Putin's $50b folly is what I am thinking so far. I'll keep watching, about half an hour left of the opening, here comes the flag. Friends, please tell me I'm wrong and help me to see the error of my misunderstandings.
I Just Want Clean Water
First posted on FB 2/7/14:
Drop a banner with glitter on it and you're arrested as a terrorist; hold a sign at a corporate office and the FBI starts spying on you; Poison the water of 300,000 people and you are a job creator. We must all be IDLE NO MORE and OCCUPY our minds and the earth where we stand. In solidarity.
Regarding image from FB page:
Drop a banner with glitter on it and you're arrested as a terrorist; hold a sign at a corporate office and the FBI starts spying on you; Poison the water of 300,000 people and you are a job creator. We must all be IDLE NO MORE and OCCUPY our minds and the earth where we stand. In solidarity.
Regarding image from FB page:
Herb Block Remembered
First posted on FB 2/2/14:
a great HBO documentary on Herb Block today called "Herblock." Block
was an amazing political cartoonist (for those younger folks reading my
status line who may not remember him). I would dare say he was an
extremely patriotic and courageous journalist in his own artistic way.
Interesting that many who were interviewed seemed to give Colbert and
Stewart the mantle for carrying on his tradition and perhaps his style
of political satire. That would never had occurred to me, but I can see
it now.
A Note from Uncle Harry
First posted on FB 1/27/14:
January 23, 2014
Dear Ms. Hammett:
Thank you for contacting me regarding the extension of the Emergency Unemployment Compensation (EUC) program. I appreciate hearing your thoughts on this important issue.
As you know, on December 17, 2013, Senators Jack Reed (D-RI) and Dean Heller (R-NV) introduced the Emergency Unemployment Compensation Extension Act (S. 1845). This bill would extend the Emergency Unemployment Compensation (EUC) program by three months. It would also provide retroactive benefits to those that did not receive unemployment insurance due to the lapse of the program at the end of 2013. Sen. Reed also introduced an amendment (S.AMDT. 2631) to S. 1845 that would extend the EUC program for ten and a half months, instead of three, and would provide offsetting cuts elsewhere in the federal budget to pay for the extension.
On January 15, 2013, despite both receiving a majority of the vote, the ten and a half-month and three-month extensions of the EUC program nonetheless failed to garner enough votes to overcome Republican filibusters.
I was disappointed by the Republican decision to filibuster this vital program for millions of Americans in need of help them get through hard times. Today long-term unemployment is double what it was at any other time Congress has allowed emergency benefits to lapse. Yet Republicans refuse to even allow an up-or-down vote on a plan to restore benefits to almost 1.5 million Americans and their 2.3 million children.
With the Republican vote against the extension of unemployment benefits, almost 1.5 million Americans, including tens of thousands of veterans, will now lose their benefits. This comes at a time when 18,000 Nevadans are still looking for work and 2.3 million children have parents who are out of work. 70,000 people will lose their unemployment benefits every week until Congress acts.
I remain committed to bringing an extension of EUC benefits to the Senate floor as soon as it has garnered enough votes to overcome a filibuster.
Please be assured that I have noted your thoughts on extending the Emergency Unemployment Compensation program. Again, thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts with me. I look forward to hearing from you in the near future.
My best wishes to you.
United States Senator
January 23, 2014
Dear Ms. Hammett:
Thank you for contacting me regarding the extension of the Emergency Unemployment Compensation (EUC) program. I appreciate hearing your thoughts on this important issue.
As you know, on December 17, 2013, Senators Jack Reed (D-RI) and Dean Heller (R-NV) introduced the Emergency Unemployment Compensation Extension Act (S. 1845). This bill would extend the Emergency Unemployment Compensation (EUC) program by three months. It would also provide retroactive benefits to those that did not receive unemployment insurance due to the lapse of the program at the end of 2013. Sen. Reed also introduced an amendment (S.AMDT. 2631) to S. 1845 that would extend the EUC program for ten and a half months, instead of three, and would provide offsetting cuts elsewhere in the federal budget to pay for the extension.
On January 15, 2013, despite both receiving a majority of the vote, the ten and a half-month and three-month extensions of the EUC program nonetheless failed to garner enough votes to overcome Republican filibusters.
I was disappointed by the Republican decision to filibuster this vital program for millions of Americans in need of help them get through hard times. Today long-term unemployment is double what it was at any other time Congress has allowed emergency benefits to lapse. Yet Republicans refuse to even allow an up-or-down vote on a plan to restore benefits to almost 1.5 million Americans and their 2.3 million children.
With the Republican vote against the extension of unemployment benefits, almost 1.5 million Americans, including tens of thousands of veterans, will now lose their benefits. This comes at a time when 18,000 Nevadans are still looking for work and 2.3 million children have parents who are out of work. 70,000 people will lose their unemployment benefits every week until Congress acts.
I remain committed to bringing an extension of EUC benefits to the Senate floor as soon as it has garnered enough votes to overcome a filibuster.
Please be assured that I have noted your thoughts on extending the Emergency Unemployment Compensation program. Again, thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts with me. I look forward to hearing from you in the near future.
My best wishes to you.
United States Senator
The Drought: Another Message from Mother Earth
First posted on FB 1/25/14:
I was in SoCal last week and saw for myself what it looks like in the Santa Monica Mountains of the Southern Coastal Range. In 30 years of research in the Coastal Mountains studying the relationship between people, plants, and fire management strategies I have never seen it this dry--even mid-summer. 2012 was officially the driest on record for California, which has a 119 year record. The litter load is dropping to the ground, which may be good in the long run if they can last without any idiot dropping a cigarette butt in the next several months, yeah right. Furthermore, 30 years ago there were Smokey the Ranger signs everywhere warning about the fire risk. I drove around the Santa Monicas for two days and didn't once see a sign--funding cuts?
You know those crazy right wingers than want to bring the end of the world by deregulating industry and pushing war with Muslims and all their other destructive ideas? Well sometimes I wonder if they will win against all good reason. Burning Hollywood and Malibu with all their liberals might be something the wingnuts would consider as another step in the right direction. Surely Westboro Baptist Church will throw a party.
Are we not enabling the apocalyptos by our unwillingness to be more assertive in demanding sustainable energy, economic and environmental policies? What gets me is that we Americans now have the technology and the know how, just not the will. And the band played on.
Regarding the League of Conservation's FB photo:
I was in SoCal last week and saw for myself what it looks like in the Santa Monica Mountains of the Southern Coastal Range. In 30 years of research in the Coastal Mountains studying the relationship between people, plants, and fire management strategies I have never seen it this dry--even mid-summer. 2012 was officially the driest on record for California, which has a 119 year record. The litter load is dropping to the ground, which may be good in the long run if they can last without any idiot dropping a cigarette butt in the next several months, yeah right. Furthermore, 30 years ago there were Smokey the Ranger signs everywhere warning about the fire risk. I drove around the Santa Monicas for two days and didn't once see a sign--funding cuts?
You know those crazy right wingers than want to bring the end of the world by deregulating industry and pushing war with Muslims and all their other destructive ideas? Well sometimes I wonder if they will win against all good reason. Burning Hollywood and Malibu with all their liberals might be something the wingnuts would consider as another step in the right direction. Surely Westboro Baptist Church will throw a party.
Are we not enabling the apocalyptos by our unwillingness to be more assertive in demanding sustainable energy, economic and environmental policies? What gets me is that we Americans now have the technology and the know how, just not the will. And the band played on.
Regarding the League of Conservation's FB photo:
Gay Marriage at the Rose Parade
First posted on 1/1/14:
This just in, there will be a gay marriage at the Rose Bowl Parade this morning and the homophobic arm of American Christians are going crazy on the Hallmark Channel FB page for broadcasting the parade in its entirety with no commercials. I think they are probably all subscribed to a couple of homophobic groups, i.e.: item.aspx?id=2147542206, because they are acting like lemmings
on the page. NBC is also broadcasting, but I suspect they will cop out
and go to ad during the wedding not sure. But there are hundreds of
homophobic posts on the Hallmark Channel FB page, so I ask you to please
take a second to take a stand and and push back a bit on their FB page.
Thanks. Hey, did I mention that Hallmark Channel is broadcasting the
entire parade with no commercials? Remember what TV used to be? Thanks
all, in solidarity.
This just in, there will be a gay marriage at the Rose Bowl Parade this morning and the homophobic arm of American Christians are going crazy on the Hallmark Channel FB page for broadcasting the parade in its entirety with no commercials. I think they are probably all subscribed to a couple of homophobic groups, i.e.:
War vs. Peace and Sustainable Security
First posted on FB 12/30/13:
I don't see why we continue to have wars. Wars are never good, or just or successful. Actions can be, especially if you lead in a positive, constructive and humane war. Let's review, how did we "win" WW2? We basically disarmed Germany and Japan. The H bomb was the icing on the cake after millions had lost their lives. Remember that the Great War to end all wars was WW1? Here's the toll: 65 million men mobilized, 8.5 million dead, 21 million wounded, 7.7 million POWs and missing aka 37 million (or half of all who served) were casualties. Then it was WW2: 60 million (2.5% of the human population) were killed. Then we got ourselves an military industry dedicated to perpetuating war and we have been practicing war ever since. Let's stop all these wars, take 10% of the current military budget and infuse it into education and our social network at home and then take another 10% and infuse it into education and welfare for people around the world, where the poorest, most needy people are. Then let's be known as a nation of helpers, the first in after a natural disaster, the safest because nobody hates us because we don't go around the world bullying and threatening people. THAT IS THE ONLY TRULY SUSTAINABLE NATIONAL SECURITY POLICY. We have the resources at our fingertips, all we need to do is have the will.
I don't see why we continue to have wars. Wars are never good, or just or successful. Actions can be, especially if you lead in a positive, constructive and humane war. Let's review, how did we "win" WW2? We basically disarmed Germany and Japan. The H bomb was the icing on the cake after millions had lost their lives. Remember that the Great War to end all wars was WW1? Here's the toll: 65 million men mobilized, 8.5 million dead, 21 million wounded, 7.7 million POWs and missing aka 37 million (or half of all who served) were casualties. Then it was WW2: 60 million (2.5% of the human population) were killed. Then we got ourselves an military industry dedicated to perpetuating war and we have been practicing war ever since. Let's stop all these wars, take 10% of the current military budget and infuse it into education and our social network at home and then take another 10% and infuse it into education and welfare for people around the world, where the poorest, most needy people are. Then let's be known as a nation of helpers, the first in after a natural disaster, the safest because nobody hates us because we don't go around the world bullying and threatening people. THAT IS THE ONLY TRULY SUSTAINABLE NATIONAL SECURITY POLICY. We have the resources at our fingertips, all we need to do is have the will.
NPR Cheerleading for Obama's So-called Economic Surge
First posted on FB 12/29/13:
Good morning, this morning NPR showed how they accentuate the positive by repeating Obama administration spin--not quite "how to lie with statistics" but certainly "how to find humor in numbers." So ROFL with this country's latest "surge"--and yes, this "surge" is way better than the first so-called "surge" announced by Bush administration when American troops handed out pallets of money (perhaps $1billion--nobody seems to know) in Iraq to bribe them into playing nice for a minute so we could duck out a side door, leaving their state in shambles thanks to our Neocon policies. Yes this so-called "surge" is way better. Can hardly wait for the next "surge" perhaps viewers of the State of the Union speech?
Regarding: 2013/12/29/258058818/ enrollment-through-federal-health-market- surges-in-december
Good morning, this morning NPR showed how they accentuate the positive by repeating Obama administration spin--not quite "how to lie with statistics" but certainly "how to find humor in numbers." So ROFL with this country's latest "surge"--and yes, this "surge" is way better than the first so-called "surge" announced by Bush administration when American troops handed out pallets of money (perhaps $1billion--nobody seems to know) in Iraq to bribe them into playing nice for a minute so we could duck out a side door, leaving their state in shambles thanks to our Neocon policies. Yes this so-called "surge" is way better. Can hardly wait for the next "surge" perhaps viewers of the State of the Union speech?
Bill Moyers on Walmart, Money and the Occupy Movement
First posted on FB 12/18/13:
evil, exploitation on every level, having their minimum wage employees
donate food to help their co-workers make it through the holidays while
their CEO with $20million salary authorizes cutting many employees'
hours so they won't have to give them benefits, forcing sweat shops to
exist around the world to make their stuff, taking huge tax cuts/breaks
from the feds to avoid paying their fair share, and not making a profit
on those protesting against them, the six Walmart heirs income is more
than 40% of Americans combined. If this is what capitalism looks like,
we need a better, more humane, more sustainable model.
The Bishop's Wife and Peace on Earth
First posted on FB 12/15/13:
Just watched one of my favorite holiday films, “The Bishop’s Wife” (1947) which ends with a wonderful sentiment. I only wish all so-called Christians (and everyone else for that matter) would heed its final words: "And we have even forgotten to hang up the stocking of the child born in the manger. It’s his birthday we’re celebrating. Don’t let’s ever forget that. Let us ask ourselves what he would wish for most. Then let each put in their share: loving kindness, warm hearts, and the stretched out hand of tolerance, all the shiny gifts that make Peace on Earth." watch?v=YUk09rjFRpw
Just watched one of my favorite holiday films, “The Bishop’s Wife” (1947) which ends with a wonderful sentiment. I only wish all so-called Christians (and everyone else for that matter) would heed its final words: "And we have even forgotten to hang up the stocking of the child born in the manger. It’s his birthday we’re celebrating. Don’t let’s ever forget that. Let us ask ourselves what he would wish for most. Then let each put in their share: loving kindness, warm hearts, and the stretched out hand of tolerance, all the shiny gifts that make Peace on Earth."
Not my father's oil industry
First posted on FB 11/29/13:
This is not my father's oil industry. My father's father rose from mail room clerk to become an attorney who negotiate agreements for many new oil fields throughout the west and ultimately became V.P. of Sinclair Oil and Gas. Hammett, Wyoming is named after him. After WW2 both my father and uncle became petroleum engineers for Sinclair. Later my father transitioned to the the feds when geothermal energy began and helped write and enforce the regulations for the geothermal industry based on his strong commitment to a balance between energy development and environmental protection. Now corporate greed and political corruption have strangled all sense of balance. So long as people continue this path of greedy, selfish consumption and ignore our responsibilities as earth stewards we are doomed to degrade our environment and climate for humans and other life forms. Today, on this holiday set aside to capitalistic greed, what can you do to help green our green our world and make it more sustainable for all?
This is not my father's oil industry. My father's father rose from mail room clerk to become an attorney who negotiate agreements for many new oil fields throughout the west and ultimately became V.P. of Sinclair Oil and Gas. Hammett, Wyoming is named after him. After WW2 both my father and uncle became petroleum engineers for Sinclair. Later my father transitioned to the the feds when geothermal energy began and helped write and enforce the regulations for the geothermal industry based on his strong commitment to a balance between energy development and environmental protection. Now corporate greed and political corruption have strangled all sense of balance. So long as people continue this path of greedy, selfish consumption and ignore our responsibilities as earth stewards we are doomed to degrade our environment and climate for humans and other life forms. Today, on this holiday set aside to capitalistic greed, what can you do to help green our green our world and make it more sustainable for all?
Fracking Tutorial
First posted on FB on 11/24/13:
Pretty awesome music video. If you don't know really know what fracking is, or want to help others learn, here's a 2:30min rap lesson imbedded. This doesn't cover shale oil extraction, which by nature is a more complex, destructive and toxin-rich process. Where fracking uses pressure, water, and chemicals to cause small fissures underground that force oil deposits to the surface (and elsewhere), the shale extraction forces oil deposits out of rock. I've recently learned we are doing fracking off the coast of California. All of these processes cause substantial issues related to waste disposal, extensive water use, waste water management, and water and air pollution (i.e. production/release of sulfides and methane--which are already having a profound impact on global warming) not to mention the trade secret chemical dispersal agents (some of the known constituents are carcinogens and toxins). Perhaps worst of all, there is very little oversight because of the anti-regulation legislation that the oil/gas industry wrote and Bush signed into law. Finally in Canada and U.S., noteable free speech states, if you protest these projects you are typically considered a potential terrorist. Most Americans don't know (nor do they want to know and/or care). We all want our energy to drive our extremely high level of greed and self gratification. Meanwhile this "stuff your bird and then yourself" Thursday marks the beginning of the consumeristic religious holiday season. Millions of Americans will be programming that next generation that it is all about stuff at any cost.
Pretty awesome music video. If you don't know really know what fracking is, or want to help others learn, here's a 2:30min rap lesson imbedded. This doesn't cover shale oil extraction, which by nature is a more complex, destructive and toxin-rich process. Where fracking uses pressure, water, and chemicals to cause small fissures underground that force oil deposits to the surface (and elsewhere), the shale extraction forces oil deposits out of rock. I've recently learned we are doing fracking off the coast of California. All of these processes cause substantial issues related to waste disposal, extensive water use, waste water management, and water and air pollution (i.e. production/release of sulfides and methane--which are already having a profound impact on global warming) not to mention the trade secret chemical dispersal agents (some of the known constituents are carcinogens and toxins). Perhaps worst of all, there is very little oversight because of the anti-regulation legislation that the oil/gas industry wrote and Bush signed into law. Finally in Canada and U.S., noteable free speech states, if you protest these projects you are typically considered a potential terrorist. Most Americans don't know (nor do they want to know and/or care). We all want our energy to drive our extremely high level of greed and self gratification. Meanwhile this "stuff your bird and then yourself" Thursday marks the beginning of the consumeristic religious holiday season. Millions of Americans will be programming that next generation that it is all about stuff at any cost.
JFK's Death: A Rite of Passage for the USA
First posted on FB 11/17/13:
CBS Sunday Morning today focused on the life of JFK. The two most poignant things I heard came from:
1) a letter written by JFK (April 19, 1963) to a grieving widow, Mrs. Patricia Wiley, who returned the quote in her letter of condolence to Jackie after JFK died: “It is a fact of history that this price of freedom must be paid again and again by our best young men in each generation,” and
2) the words at the end of an essay about JFK by fellow Irish American and Sunday Morning Contributor Bill Flanagan: “It was the moment when our parents went from believing in all the great things that were going to be, to regretting what might have been.” 8301-3445_162-57612430/ jfk-assassination-when-a-nation-coming-of -age-lost-its-youth/
CBS Sunday Morning today focused on the life of JFK. The two most poignant things I heard came from:
1) a letter written by JFK (April 19, 1963) to a grieving widow, Mrs. Patricia Wiley, who returned the quote in her letter of condolence to Jackie after JFK died: “It is a fact of history that this price of freedom must be paid again and again by our best young men in each generation,” and
2) the words at the end of an essay about JFK by fellow Irish American and Sunday Morning Contributor Bill Flanagan: “It was the moment when our parents went from believing in all the great things that were going to be, to regretting what might have been.”
More Collateral Damage in our War in Iraq
First posted on FB 11/4/13:
when we used dirty bombs in Afghanistan at the beginning of our
invasion? Well, apparently we used them in dense urban areas in Iraq as
well. Here is the aftermath: higher rates of birth defects 10 years
later in Fallujah, Iraq than occurred in Hiroshima and Nagasaki after we
dropped the atom bomb. Yeah we did that too: birth-defects-plague-iraq-10-years-us-inv asion/story?id=18793428
Colorado Fracking Flood--You Can't Fool Mother Nature
First posted on FB 10/23/13
SUSTAINABILITY AND RESILIENCE--THAT'S WHAT IT'S ABOUT IF WE ARE TO SURVIVE OUR OWN FAILED SOCIETY: "I’m asking that we shift our culture of consumption that is the root cause of all these issues. I’m asking that we recognize and rebuild a society in which the growth imperative is an anachronism, a barbaric incarnation of yesteryear, not the going concern it is today. I’m asking politicians to help create a structure that helps us plan for a non-growing economy, that helps us localize our food sources and transition off of fossil fuels that are becoming too expensive for our economy to afford anyways. I’m asking those same politicians to restructure political institutions in such a way as to be adaptive of current realities (such as climate change) and to help build a resilient society."
SUSTAINABILITY AND RESILIENCE--THAT'S WHAT IT'S ABOUT IF WE ARE TO SURVIVE OUR OWN FAILED SOCIETY: "I’m asking that we shift our culture of consumption that is the root cause of all these issues. I’m asking that we recognize and rebuild a society in which the growth imperative is an anachronism, a barbaric incarnation of yesteryear, not the going concern it is today. I’m asking politicians to help create a structure that helps us plan for a non-growing economy, that helps us localize our food sources and transition off of fossil fuels that are becoming too expensive for our economy to afford anyways. I’m asking those same politicians to restructure political institutions in such a way as to be adaptive of current realities (such as climate change) and to help build a resilient society."
Colorado fracking flood raises deeper issues - like extreme energy, endless growth -The Common...
First posted 10/22/13:
Well we are one step closer to charging the Obama administration with war crimes. Hegemonic Dems are you listening? No, you probably won't hear about this any time soon on your MSNBC, ABC, CNN and other liberal loving networks, unless its a super quick 30 second blurb like NPR just did. In fact so far the only major so-called news network to report it has been FauxNews because of their deep seeded love of all things anti-Obama. I hope someday to live in a land where people are objective about their own party's limitations and hold their elected officials accountable instead of only finding fault in the other guy. Meanwhile to President Obama, who I voted for (reluctantly specifically because of this issue): KNOCK IT OFF! NO MORE KILLER DRONES!
Well we are one step closer to charging the Obama administration with war crimes. Hegemonic Dems are you listening? No, you probably won't hear about this any time soon on your MSNBC, ABC, CNN and other liberal loving networks, unless its a super quick 30 second blurb like NPR just did. In fact so far the only major so-called news network to report it has been FauxNews because of their deep seeded love of all things anti-Obama. I hope someday to live in a land where people are objective about their own party's limitations and hold their elected officials accountable instead of only finding fault in the other guy. Meanwhile to President Obama, who I voted for (reluctantly specifically because of this issue): KNOCK IT OFF! NO MORE KILLER DRONES!
Moyers Nails it Again: Regarding the Radicalization of the GOP
First posted 10/11/13:
Moyers nails it again. I am becoming increasingly concerned that they are intentionally destroying our American way of life and in the process, human life on earth. Fracking fouling our ground water, BP oil dispersants riding the Gulf Stream into the North Atlantic current, radioactivity following Fukushima earthquake riding the Pacific currents to Calfornia, due here next year--all driving the rate of global warming. And still the war mongers, the banksters, the uber rich and the TPs own these Congressional misfits who hold all of us hostage. After all, too many of them are poorly educated, most of them are profoundly greedy and selfish, and way too many are Evangelicals of the stripe that look forward to the coming of the Lord via Armageddon. The irony, that they are more likely NOT going end up on the side of God in this final battle, will not benefit the rest of us one bit, after they destroy our ability to live sustainably on the earth. We are so close and yet so far away. This will not end well unless we all take to the streets, collectively and make them stop this insanity. We can do this profoundly peacefully, but I am concerned there is little time left to divert catastrophe.
Moyers nails it again. I am becoming increasingly concerned that they are intentionally destroying our American way of life and in the process, human life on earth. Fracking fouling our ground water, BP oil dispersants riding the Gulf Stream into the North Atlantic current, radioactivity following Fukushima earthquake riding the Pacific currents to Calfornia, due here next year--all driving the rate of global warming. And still the war mongers, the banksters, the uber rich and the TPs own these Congressional misfits who hold all of us hostage. After all, too many of them are poorly educated, most of them are profoundly greedy and selfish, and way too many are Evangelicals of the stripe that look forward to the coming of the Lord via Armageddon. The irony, that they are more likely NOT going end up on the side of God in this final battle, will not benefit the rest of us one bit, after they destroy our ability to live sustainably on the earth. We are so close and yet so far away. This will not end well unless we all take to the streets, collectively and make them stop this insanity. We can do this profoundly peacefully, but I am concerned there is little time left to divert catastrophe.
Math and the Big Bang
First posted 9/13/13:
Seems mathematicians have "proven" the "tempo" Evolution's so-called "big bang" during the Cambium, if not the "mode" or the impetus (I'm thinking either a major volcanic/geothermal episode or more interestingly a meteor "ice shower" if such a thing can exist?). I'm much more receptive to the concept of this so-called "big bang" than the alleged one that began the universe--which makes no sense to me on any level--makes my own head want to implode.
Regarding: 2013/09/ 130912131753.htm?utm_source=feedburner&ut m_medium=email&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+scie ncedaily%2Ftop_news%2Ftop_science+%28Sci enceDaily%3A+Top+News+--+Top+Science%29
Seems mathematicians have "proven" the "tempo" Evolution's so-called "big bang" during the Cambium, if not the "mode" or the impetus (I'm thinking either a major volcanic/geothermal episode or more interestingly a meteor "ice shower" if such a thing can exist?). I'm much more receptive to the concept of this so-called "big bang" than the alleged one that began the universe--which makes no sense to me on any level--makes my own head want to implode.
Darwin's dilemma resolved: Evolution's 'big bang' explained by five times faster rates of evolution
Critical Thinking Vs. David Gregory
First posted on 9/9/13:
Pop quiz on critical thinking brought to you by 9/8/13 “Meet the Press” interview:
David Gregory: Is this more about Iran than it is Syria?
White House Chief of Staff Denis McDonough: “This is about a series of very important things. In the first instance, almost 100 years now, a prohibition against the use of chemical weapons. Why does that matter? Well, it matter for the reason that you started the show with, but it also matters for another reason. Our troops have not been subjected to chemical weapon as tacts since World War I. Imagine, it was the weapon of the day in World War I, but because of our work and work of our partners, it has now been prohibited except in many few instances, and we have to make sure that for the sake of our guys, our men and women on the front line, that we reinforce this prohibition.”
No cross or follow up by Gregory on the huge flags above.
Quiz question: List and discuss as many flags (discrepancies, lies, contractions, propaganda, fear mongering) as can you see. Grading system: 0-1 flags: You are blind to the truth!; 2 flags: Occupy your mind! 3 or more flags: Congratulations, you are unlikely to support the attack on Syria or any of the other hegemonic tripe war mongering they feed us. Extra credit: go to the webpage and find out which major military manufacturer is bankrolling the “Meet the Press” blog page then go to and count how many members of Congress take money from them. #52954001
Pop quiz on critical thinking brought to you by 9/8/13 “Meet the Press” interview:
David Gregory: Is this more about Iran than it is Syria?
White House Chief of Staff Denis McDonough: “This is about a series of very important things. In the first instance, almost 100 years now, a prohibition against the use of chemical weapons. Why does that matter? Well, it matter for the reason that you started the show with, but it also matters for another reason. Our troops have not been subjected to chemical weapon as tacts since World War I. Imagine, it was the weapon of the day in World War I, but because of our work and work of our partners, it has now been prohibited except in many few instances, and we have to make sure that for the sake of our guys, our men and women on the front line, that we reinforce this prohibition.”
No cross or follow up by Gregory on the huge flags above.
Quiz question: List and discuss as many flags (discrepancies, lies, contractions, propaganda, fear mongering) as can you see. Grading system: 0-1 flags: You are blind to the truth!; 2 flags: Occupy your mind! 3 or more flags: Congratulations, you are unlikely to support the attack on Syria or any of the other hegemonic tripe war mongering they feed us. Extra credit: go to the webpage and find out which major military manufacturer is bankrolling the “Meet the Press” blog page then go to and count how many members of Congress take money from them.
Women In the News...Business
First posted 9/8/13:
So I was thinking that Christiane Amanpour and Martha Raddick both of ABC News (etc. for Amanpour) were the most reliable war journalists in the U.S. today, was proud that women "had arrived" so to speak as half the population of our nation (and the world). And then on CBS I heard an ad boasting: "The Syrian crisis, we have Elizabeth Palmer and Clarissa Ward." This begs the questions: Why are women being sent as our lead foreign correspondents to war torn regions, when they have to wear scarves or more and risk brutal attacks for driving, walking alone on the street, etc.? I admire them, I loved reading memoirs by NPR's Sarah Chayes (Punishment of virtue) and Anne Garrels (Naked in Badhdad), and I am proud of my sisters taking the lead. But I wonder about the white males sitting behind the anchors desks making the big bucks many of whom have never gone overseas unless it was for the Olympics or the Queen's Jubilee. This seems akin to a pattern that I recognized some years ago in my own professional circles, that men were being lifted up in ladder while women do more than their share of the heavy lifting. What do you think. Please tell me if you think my observations are bogus. Sometimes I see patterns where the behavior is just random. Thanks.
So I was thinking that Christiane Amanpour and Martha Raddick both of ABC News (etc. for Amanpour) were the most reliable war journalists in the U.S. today, was proud that women "had arrived" so to speak as half the population of our nation (and the world). And then on CBS I heard an ad boasting: "The Syrian crisis, we have Elizabeth Palmer and Clarissa Ward." This begs the questions: Why are women being sent as our lead foreign correspondents to war torn regions, when they have to wear scarves or more and risk brutal attacks for driving, walking alone on the street, etc.? I admire them, I loved reading memoirs by NPR's Sarah Chayes (Punishment of virtue) and Anne Garrels (Naked in Badhdad), and I am proud of my sisters taking the lead. But I wonder about the white males sitting behind the anchors desks making the big bucks many of whom have never gone overseas unless it was for the Olympics or the Queen's Jubilee. This seems akin to a pattern that I recognized some years ago in my own professional circles, that men were being lifted up in ladder while women do more than their share of the heavy lifting. What do you think. Please tell me if you think my observations are bogus. Sometimes I see patterns where the behavior is just random. Thanks.
First posted on 9/6/13:
Reposted from Washington Post: Obama’s Barnard commencement speech — text
Barack Obama: "So don’t accept somebody else’s construction of the way things ought to be. It’s up to you to right wrongs. It’s up to you to point out injustice. It’s up to you to hold the system accountable and sometimes upend it entirely. It’s up to you to stand up and to be heard, to write and to lobby, to march, to organize, to vote. Don’t be content to just sit back and watch. " answer-sheet/post/ obamas-barnard-commencement-speech--text/ 2012/05/14/gIQAnZtPPU_blog.html
Reposted from Washington Post: Obama’s Barnard commencement speech — text
Barack Obama: "So don’t accept somebody else’s construction of the way things ought to be. It’s up to you to right wrongs. It’s up to you to point out injustice. It’s up to you to hold the system accountable and sometimes upend it entirely. It’s up to you to stand up and to be heard, to write and to lobby, to march, to organize, to vote. Don’t be content to just sit back and watch. "
First posted on FB 9.4.13:
My message to the Senate Foreign Relations Committee: "NO TO PRESIDENT OBAMA. The U.S. should NOT take this injustice into OUR own hands. We should take the case to the ICJ or the ICC. We are not sworn in as the international law in this case. Our act would be crimimal. We need to be a nation of laws, not vigilantes. We need to model good behavior. If we spent a small fraction of the money will will spend and pay to the military industrial complex on strengthening the ICJ and the ICC the world would be a much better place. I implore you, give peace a chance."
My message to the Senate Foreign Relations Committee: "NO TO PRESIDENT OBAMA. The U.S. should NOT take this injustice into OUR own hands. We should take the case to the ICJ or the ICC. We are not sworn in as the international law in this case. Our act would be crimimal. We need to be a nation of laws, not vigilantes. We need to model good behavior. If we spent a small fraction of the money will will spend and pay to the military industrial complex on strengthening the ICJ and the ICC the world would be a much better place. I implore you, give peace a chance."
First posted 9/3/13:
Bush lied and people died (including thousands of Americans). Sec. of State Powell was fed misinformation that he took to the UN and forever tarnished our credibility. Now Sec. of State Kerry is lying? VIOLENCE IS NEVER THE ANSWER. Please call you Senator and tell her or him: HELL NO!

"So, Secretary of State John Kerry referenced this photograph when making his speech today, trying to drive home how awful the Syrian chemical attack was as he tried to convince us why we should go to war. One problem. The picture isn't even from Syria. It's from Iraq in 2003. The photographer, Marco di Lauro, said he nearly "fell off his chair" when he saw it was being used to promote a war in Syria. It's getting pretty disturbing to see how far our politicians, both Republican and Democrat, are willing to go to drum up support for a war nobody wants."
Image reposted from: "Iraq, ”The Aftermath of Saddam” by Marco DiLauro, Photographer:
Bush lied and people died (including thousands of Americans). Sec. of State Powell was fed misinformation that he took to the UN and forever tarnished our credibility. Now Sec. of State Kerry is lying? VIOLENCE IS NEVER THE ANSWER. Please call you Senator and tell her or him: HELL NO!

"So, Secretary of State John Kerry referenced this photograph when making his speech today, trying to drive home how awful the Syrian chemical attack was as he tried to convince us why we should go to war. One problem. The picture isn't even from Syria. It's from Iraq in 2003. The photographer, Marco di Lauro, said he nearly "fell off his chair" when he saw it was being used to promote a war in Syria. It's getting pretty disturbing to see how far our politicians, both Republican and Democrat, are willing to go to drum up support for a war nobody wants."
Image reposted from: "Iraq, ”The Aftermath of Saddam” by Marco DiLauro, Photographer:
First posted on 9/1/13:
These crooks have gained control of most of GOPs and many Dems in Congress. That should be considered treason. They are war profiteers. That is a felony. Send them to jail. What will it take when leaders of Congress are in the same boat. Wikipedia "war profiteering" and learn more about Diane Feinstein, for example. War is never the answer.
"Koch Industries Exposed for Bribery, Secret Iran Sales and More"
These crooks have gained control of most of GOPs and many Dems in Congress. That should be considered treason. They are war profiteers. That is a felony. Send them to jail. What will it take when leaders of Congress are in the same boat. Wikipedia "war profiteering" and learn more about Diane Feinstein, for example. War is never the answer.
"Koch Industries Exposed for Bribery, Secret Iran Sales and More"
First posted on FB 9/1/13:
I unfriended another person today for being too much of a neocon and then changed my profile picture to keep the Neocons at bay. This is because I do not believe we have even remotely exhausted the diplomatic possibilities of avoiding an attack or invasion of Syria. I will always be grateful to my brothers and sisters who have served in the military for the courage, honor and patriotism they have shown. Just this past week I volunteered for a new mentoring/tutoring program for our TMCC Vets. But my interactions with many Vet students has taught me that most are even more opposed to war than I am. They are prejudiced with cause, given what they saw "in country" that it is never what you think it will be, its always much worse on every level. Whether you feel the need to defend yourself, your family or your country with violence, we should not escalate the level of violence. It can't be called the last resort unless you have tried every other means possible. We spend about $1.2 million a minute on the military (that doesn't count what neocons spend on think tanks generating reasons to invade the Middle East). Couldn't we consider spending some more on diplomacy? What if we had an army of millions of diplomats whom we could deploy, thousands of trained Americans who started reaching out through FB and other means to network and broker a peace? In the spirit of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. I believe we can always find a non-violent solution if we really try. Violence is never the answer.
I unfriended another person today for being too much of a neocon and then changed my profile picture to keep the Neocons at bay. This is because I do not believe we have even remotely exhausted the diplomatic possibilities of avoiding an attack or invasion of Syria. I will always be grateful to my brothers and sisters who have served in the military for the courage, honor and patriotism they have shown. Just this past week I volunteered for a new mentoring/tutoring program for our TMCC Vets. But my interactions with many Vet students has taught me that most are even more opposed to war than I am. They are prejudiced with cause, given what they saw "in country" that it is never what you think it will be, its always much worse on every level. Whether you feel the need to defend yourself, your family or your country with violence, we should not escalate the level of violence. It can't be called the last resort unless you have tried every other means possible. We spend about $1.2 million a minute on the military (that doesn't count what neocons spend on think tanks generating reasons to invade the Middle East). Couldn't we consider spending some more on diplomacy? What if we had an army of millions of diplomats whom we could deploy, thousands of trained Americans who started reaching out through FB and other means to network and broker a peace? In the spirit of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. I believe we can always find a non-violent solution if we really try. Violence is never the answer.
First posted on FB 8/2413:
Went by office store to get few school supplies, you know, the stuff we teachers figure is not worth the hassle of waiting for bureaucracy to deliver. I was struck by how many pens claim to have revolutionary ink flow. How can so many pens be revolutionary and still be produced by sweat shops in China and sold by large corporations? And has anyone ever really found a revolutionary ink flowing pen? Seriously, its probably like the revolution of fracking, more trouble than its worth.
Went by office store to get few school supplies, you know, the stuff we teachers figure is not worth the hassle of waiting for bureaucracy to deliver. I was struck by how many pens claim to have revolutionary ink flow. How can so many pens be revolutionary and still be produced by sweat shops in China and sold by large corporations? And has anyone ever really found a revolutionary ink flowing pen? Seriously, its probably like the revolution of fracking, more trouble than its worth.
First posted on FB 7/31/13:
Fact: Big box stores and fast food chains such as Walmart and MacDonalds drive down local salaries. So how do we get salaries up to a living wage when the top execs are skimming profits to pad their own wallets and their stock holders? A recent study indicate that doubling McDonalds employee salaries would only drive up items by 17% (i.e. a Big Mac goes from $3.99 to $4.67). And that is based on doubling everyone's salary including the CEO’s salary (8.75million as of 2012). So there is another possible place to cut, let’s double the bottom employees and then pro-rate everyone else and drive the CEOs salary down to say 2 million. Regardless it’s a significant increase in base wagers for a slight increase in the price of fast food.
Now a Berkeley study indicates that a pay raise for Walmart employees at the bottom of the pay scale to $12 will only cost consumers an average of 46 cents per shopping trip.
So the bottom line is Congress raise the minimum wage or you are fired and you will lose not only your access to power, your salary for doing nothing but also your cushy federal employees health care plan!
regarding: Study: $12 Minimum Wage Would Have Negligible Effect On Walmart Prices 19/ walmart-pay-worker-minimum-wage_n_851115. html Research:
Fact: Big box stores and fast food chains such as Walmart and MacDonalds drive down local salaries. So how do we get salaries up to a living wage when the top execs are skimming profits to pad their own wallets and their stock holders? A recent study indicate that doubling McDonalds employee salaries would only drive up items by 17% (i.e. a Big Mac goes from $3.99 to $4.67). And that is based on doubling everyone's salary including the CEO’s salary (8.75million as of 2012). So there is another possible place to cut, let’s double the bottom employees and then pro-rate everyone else and drive the CEOs salary down to say 2 million. Regardless it’s a significant increase in base wagers for a slight increase in the price of fast food.
Now a Berkeley study indicates that a pay raise for Walmart employees at the bottom of the pay scale to $12 will only cost consumers an average of 46 cents per shopping trip.
So the bottom line is Congress raise the minimum wage or you are fired and you will lose not only your access to power, your salary for doing nothing but also your cushy federal employees health care plan!
regarding: Study: $12 Minimum Wage Would Have Negligible Effect On Walmart Prices
First posted on FB 7/21/13:
Right On! HBO show "The Newsroom" just discussed the fact that Obama authorized killing U.S. citizen Anwar al-Awlakii with drone strike, that by the way his father was a Fulbright Scholar. Wonder if next show they will mention his 16 year old son (also born in U.S.) was also killed by drone strike 2 weeks later. Also showing video of police attacking Occupiers using excessive force beating up protestors in NYC. Suppose putting this stuff in a drama series will make it more real for Americans who prefer the truth filtered through the boob tube. Hope this will get more notoriety for drone war crimes and police brutality. Of course I am not for terrorism, but there is no case where taking out American citizens in foreign countries or using violence again peaceful protestors on our streets--when no one has been convicted of any crime--will make the rest of us safer. In fact, the opposite is much more likely. I thank Aaron Sorkin and his colleagues for their Hollywood-based effort to make Americans occupy their minds.
Right On! HBO show "The Newsroom" just discussed the fact that Obama authorized killing U.S. citizen Anwar al-Awlakii with drone strike, that by the way his father was a Fulbright Scholar. Wonder if next show they will mention his 16 year old son (also born in U.S.) was also killed by drone strike 2 weeks later. Also showing video of police attacking Occupiers using excessive force beating up protestors in NYC. Suppose putting this stuff in a drama series will make it more real for Americans who prefer the truth filtered through the boob tube. Hope this will get more notoriety for drone war crimes and police brutality. Of course I am not for terrorism, but there is no case where taking out American citizens in foreign countries or using violence again peaceful protestors on our streets--when no one has been convicted of any crime--will make the rest of us safer. In fact, the opposite is much more likely. I thank Aaron Sorkin and his colleagues for their Hollywood-based effort to make Americans occupy their minds.
First posted on FB 6/28/14:
So wrong. Can you see the connecting with NSA and NDAA and illegal wars and drones, and listening in on conversations and persecuting the whistle blowers and arresting people who protest and the huge growth in the private prison industry and thug cops violating religious freedom by disrobing indigenous people dressed in traditional regalia. I can. We will continue to stand against polluters and anyone else who would willing cause harm to the earth or life on earth. And we will stand against war. We will honor those who walk the path of balance and sustainability. We can do this. We just need to keep showing up and speaking out. Truth and history are on our side.

Hamilton Police mass arrests all those resisting and defending Mother Earth against Tar Sands destruction. Particularly targeting the Indigenous people on site, police pulled off ceremonial regalia without permission.
Swamp Line0 timeline:
So wrong. Can you see the connecting with NSA and NDAA and illegal wars and drones, and listening in on conversations and persecuting the whistle blowers and arresting people who protest and the huge growth in the private prison industry and thug cops violating religious freedom by disrobing indigenous people dressed in traditional regalia. I can. We will continue to stand against polluters and anyone else who would willing cause harm to the earth or life on earth. And we will stand against war. We will honor those who walk the path of balance and sustainability. We can do this. We just need to keep showing up and speaking out. Truth and history are on our side.

Hamilton Police mass arrests all those resisting and defending Mother Earth against Tar Sands destruction. Particularly targeting the Indigenous people on site, police pulled off ceremonial regalia without permission.
Swamp Line0 timeline:
First posted on 6/24/13:
Was just listening to NPR hype up the stock market panic. Thank you corporate media for the daily dose of economic fear mongering. See how low they can drive the market over next few day. This will create a terrific opportunity for the 1% to pick up some stocks for a song while others less endowed run to sell at undervalued prices. Remember when NPR tried to be objective and even had good news stories about small communities? That was before Koch brothers and friends big money put their sting on them with some phony scandals. Now NPR is more like corporate news with fewer ads.
This morning was a poorly researched piece about offshore wind rigs off the coast of New Bedford. All about fear of other. Report quoted some poorly informed local who said the wind industry raised real concerns about fishing industry. As a sidebar the reporter mentioned that former fishing areas are now off limits but neglected to say why. No mention that offshore oil derricks of the Gulf of Mexico have proven to be amazing spawning areas for fish and have restored habitats for various waterfowl such as whooping cranes that prey on the fish. Of course wind derricks have the additional value of not putting the coast at risk with immense discharges of pollutants. But that would stir discussion and we don't want that on our news.
Was just listening to NPR hype up the stock market panic. Thank you corporate media for the daily dose of economic fear mongering. See how low they can drive the market over next few day. This will create a terrific opportunity for the 1% to pick up some stocks for a song while others less endowed run to sell at undervalued prices. Remember when NPR tried to be objective and even had good news stories about small communities? That was before Koch brothers and friends big money put their sting on them with some phony scandals. Now NPR is more like corporate news with fewer ads.
This morning was a poorly researched piece about offshore wind rigs off the coast of New Bedford. All about fear of other. Report quoted some poorly informed local who said the wind industry raised real concerns about fishing industry. As a sidebar the reporter mentioned that former fishing areas are now off limits but neglected to say why. No mention that offshore oil derricks of the Gulf of Mexico have proven to be amazing spawning areas for fish and have restored habitats for various waterfowl such as whooping cranes that prey on the fish. Of course wind derricks have the additional value of not putting the coast at risk with immense discharges of pollutants. But that would stir discussion and we don't want that on our news.
First posted on FB 6/23/13:
Just watching excerpts from "This Week" on ABC and suddenly a light bulb goes on, there is nothing remotely resembling "news" on this show! This is only a pundit fest full of propaganda and talking points o behalf of the power elite. Thanks to corporate media for packaging it for so well that I naively thought there might be some nugget of learning to be gained, however small. I now realize only sellouts would appear on this show.
All this witch hunt of Snowden who exposed the Anti-American traitors in the NSA who have taken our privacy and our civil rights--the same folks Occupiers were squawking about over a year ago. Did anybody hear us when we yelled about hundreds of millions--billions being spent to "secure the homeland" and take our privacy and liberties? I recall when Occupy Reno tried to pull off a "real news" type report but it was quickly co-opted by a few with their own agendas.
A year from now will someone "expose" Monsanto's lucrative connection to Congress and will we watch him or her pursued as a traitor against state secrets and our corpocracy? I wonder what Thomas Paine would think of our so-called American news today, now that we have surrendered our independence to the 1%. We are not supposed to even ask what is in our food or what chemicals are being pumped into our water supply--that's against "free enterprise and is by definition unAmerican! Even most of those who believe they think independently are being spoon fed from a partisan camp. Not a bang, not even a whimper?
p.s. TMCC song at graduation May 2013: Let it Be.
Just watching excerpts from "This Week" on ABC and suddenly a light bulb goes on, there is nothing remotely resembling "news" on this show! This is only a pundit fest full of propaganda and talking points o behalf of the power elite. Thanks to corporate media for packaging it for so well that I naively thought there might be some nugget of learning to be gained, however small. I now realize only sellouts would appear on this show.
All this witch hunt of Snowden who exposed the Anti-American traitors in the NSA who have taken our privacy and our civil rights--the same folks Occupiers were squawking about over a year ago. Did anybody hear us when we yelled about hundreds of millions--billions being spent to "secure the homeland" and take our privacy and liberties? I recall when Occupy Reno tried to pull off a "real news" type report but it was quickly co-opted by a few with their own agendas.
A year from now will someone "expose" Monsanto's lucrative connection to Congress and will we watch him or her pursued as a traitor against state secrets and our corpocracy? I wonder what Thomas Paine would think of our so-called American news today, now that we have surrendered our independence to the 1%. We are not supposed to even ask what is in our food or what chemicals are being pumped into our water supply--that's against "free enterprise and is by definition unAmerican! Even most of those who believe they think independently are being spoon fed from a partisan camp. Not a bang, not even a whimper?
p.s. TMCC song at graduation May 2013: Let it Be.
First posted on FB 5/6/13:
“Fire over England” (1937) Laurence Olivier to Vivien Leigh: “No, I’m not angry my dearest, but you must grow up. You see the whole trouble comes from treating your enemies like human beings. Can’t you see my dear that if you do that they cease to be enemies? Think what that leads to. It’s the end of patriotism, it’s the end of war, it’s the end of…of everything. Now do you see?”
“Fire over England” (1937) Laurence Olivier to Vivien Leigh: “No, I’m not angry my dearest, but you must grow up. You see the whole trouble comes from treating your enemies like human beings. Can’t you see my dear that if you do that they cease to be enemies? Think what that leads to. It’s the end of patriotism, it’s the end of war, it’s the end of…of everything. Now do you see?”
First posted on FB 4/29/13:
So I had a normal teaching day, went by the cleaners, cruised through Trader Joes and when I arrived home there was a bearded gray-haired guy with a clip board on my porch. He said he had our gas smart meter. He was wearing NV Energy identification. I said we didn't order a gas smart meter. He retorted, "well you want to just spend an extra $60/month then?" I responded that was a false dichotomy. Shrugging his shoulders he asked, "well are you refusing it then?" I smiled and told him to have a good day and he walked away. Anybody want to fill me in? Was that $60/month some bs average NV Energy has calculated in order to impose another smart meter on us? Or is it a penalty we will have to pay? If the latter, why was I not notified in writing and asked to sign off? Is there anything we can do or consume and not be monitored now? What is the price of our privacy?
So I had a normal teaching day, went by the cleaners, cruised through Trader Joes and when I arrived home there was a bearded gray-haired guy with a clip board on my porch. He said he had our gas smart meter. He was wearing NV Energy identification. I said we didn't order a gas smart meter. He retorted, "well you want to just spend an extra $60/month then?" I responded that was a false dichotomy. Shrugging his shoulders he asked, "well are you refusing it then?" I smiled and told him to have a good day and he walked away. Anybody want to fill me in? Was that $60/month some bs average NV Energy has calculated in order to impose another smart meter on us? Or is it a penalty we will have to pay? If the latter, why was I not notified in writing and asked to sign off? Is there anything we can do or consume and not be monitored now? What is the price of our privacy?
First posted on FB 3/21/13:
Regarding "Drumbeat Grows Louder in Congress for Obama to Act on Syria"
Note the racist term "barbaric" in this statement from Graham and McCain. Tell me, how one compares "barbaric use of scuds" to [savage] use of killer drones in 6 countries by US or [inhuman] use of cluster bombs by US soon after our invasion of Afghanistan? Remember when we thought Bin Laden was hiding in a spider cave? Those cluster bombs were dirty bombs. The act of killing involves the act of dehumanizing one's target and rationalizing it by distancing oneself from them, sometimes through dehumanization process. Through this process one tends to dehumanize themselves so they can commit this ultimate crime of taking another human life. Ultimately violence never accomplishes anything except more violence.
Regarding "Drumbeat Grows Louder in Congress for Obama to Act on Syria"
Note the racist term "barbaric" in this statement from Graham and McCain. Tell me, how one compares "barbaric use of scuds" to [savage] use of killer drones in 6 countries by US or [inhuman] use of cluster bombs by US soon after our invasion of Afghanistan? Remember when we thought Bin Laden was hiding in a spider cave? Those cluster bombs were dirty bombs. The act of killing involves the act of dehumanizing one's target and rationalizing it by distancing oneself from them, sometimes through dehumanization process. Through this process one tends to dehumanize themselves so they can commit this ultimate crime of taking another human life. Ultimately violence never accomplishes anything except more violence.
First posted 2/10/13:
Brennan is a bad guy. He replaced water boarding--which was bad enough, will killer drones. So instead of torturing folks we just kill them and their families. We need to help insulate President Obama from these bad guys and instead surround him with compassionate intellectuals and veterans who recognize the need to lead by diplomacy, those who recognize that by killing innocent children we only make more enemies. Break the chain President Obama.
Brennan is a bad guy. He replaced water boarding--which was bad enough, will killer drones. So instead of torturing folks we just kill them and their families. We need to help insulate President Obama from these bad guys and instead surround him with compassionate intellectuals and veterans who recognize the need to lead by diplomacy, those who recognize that by killing innocent children we only make more enemies. Break the chain President Obama.
First reposted on FB 12/21/12 from Revolution News Timeline
"so that they see us we cover the face, so that they hear us we march in silence" v
"As the Maya calendar ends, a new cycle of struggle begins with thousands of Zapatistas peacefully and silently occupying town squares across Chiapas.
The Zapatistas are back! Flowing like the water of the river that beats the sword. And while some were anticipating the Christmas holidays, some others the end of the Maya calendar, and others still the new Communiqué from the Comandancia General of the EZLN that was announced back in November, the main cities of Chiapas woke up today with memories of 1994.
New Age freaks around the world may have been gearing up for the end of the world, but it appears that some Mayas had a very different opinion on the matter. They preferred to send us another message: that of the new world they have been building in silence for two decades now.
Since the early hours of the 21st of December 2012, thousands of Zapatistas from the Bases of Support of the EZLN — their faces covered with the legendary Zapatista pasamontañas and paliacates around their necks — started marching in silence, in perfect formation, entering the cities of San Cristóbal de las Casas, Ocosingo, Las Margaritas, Comitan, and Altamirano, and occupying their central squares."
"so that they see us we cover the face, so that they hear us we march in silence" v
"As the Maya calendar ends, a new cycle of struggle begins with thousands of Zapatistas peacefully and silently occupying town squares across Chiapas.
The Zapatistas are back! Flowing like the water of the river that beats the sword. And while some were anticipating the Christmas holidays, some others the end of the Maya calendar, and others still the new Communiqué from the Comandancia General of the EZLN that was announced back in November, the main cities of Chiapas woke up today with memories of 1994.
New Age freaks around the world may have been gearing up for the end of the world, but it appears that some Mayas had a very different opinion on the matter. They preferred to send us another message: that of the new world they have been building in silence for two decades now.
Since the early hours of the 21st of December 2012, thousands of Zapatistas from the Bases of Support of the EZLN — their faces covered with the legendary Zapatista pasamontañas and paliacates around their necks — started marching in silence, in perfect formation, entering the cities of San Cristóbal de las Casas, Ocosingo, Las Margaritas, Comitan, and Altamirano, and occupying their central squares."
First posted on FB 12/12/14:
Was watching an old movie (1965) with Frank Sinatra (also the director) and Clint Walker called "none but the brave" where they are marooned on an island during WW1 with a group of Japanese who are also marooned. Although truces are called from time to time at the end they are still at war. I really appreciated the last frame of the film, a pull back from the island with the caption: "nobody every wins." Its around time of another film with a similar message about the futility of war: "the Americanization of Emily" with Julie Andrews and James Garner. Wonder if we will ever have another time when it will be profitable to put anti-war films in big theaters. I hope so.
Was watching an old movie (1965) with Frank Sinatra (also the director) and Clint Walker called "none but the brave" where they are marooned on an island during WW1 with a group of Japanese who are also marooned. Although truces are called from time to time at the end they are still at war. I really appreciated the last frame of the film, a pull back from the island with the caption: "nobody every wins." Its around time of another film with a similar message about the futility of war: "the Americanization of Emily" with Julie Andrews and James Garner. Wonder if we will ever have another time when it will be profitable to put anti-war films in big theaters. I hope so.
First posted on FB 12/7/14:
War is wrong...always. We should take every measure to avoid it whenever we can and only use violence as an absolute last resort. We have the strongest military in the world, by far. We are bankrupting our economy, our American values and our ability to care for our children, elders and others in need just so that we support our oversized killing machine. We need strong military of course. But protecting the homeland should not have to involve being the world's overlord. We generate new enemies every day with killer drones. Its a losing model. Many young people join the military because it is the only way they can afford to go to college. So we teach to kill first and how to think and create second? That's messed up. We need another model. Give peace a chance.
Regarding image reposted from OccupyMARINES:
War is wrong...always. We should take every measure to avoid it whenever we can and only use violence as an absolute last resort. We have the strongest military in the world, by far. We are bankrupting our economy, our American values and our ability to care for our children, elders and others in need just so that we support our oversized killing machine. We need strong military of course. But protecting the homeland should not have to involve being the world's overlord. We generate new enemies every day with killer drones. Its a losing model. Many young people join the military because it is the only way they can afford to go to college. So we teach to kill first and how to think and create second? That's messed up. We need another model. Give peace a chance.
Regarding image reposted from OccupyMARINES:

First posted on FB 11/24/12:
Not to gloat, but let's face it, the American corporate model needs a drastic makeover and a diet. CEOs should not make hundreds of times what average workers make. Workers need to be valued as the real engines of industry through their productivity and as the real job creators through their role as consumers. That's not socialism but common sense economics with attention to the bottom line. Obama got way more "bang for buck" out of Axelrod and the real grassroots than Romney got for Rove, Sununu and all his fat head old boys and paid grassroot posers. Corporate America will either learn the lesson or they will fail. Never underestimate American workers. In solidarity.
Not to gloat, but let's face it, the American corporate model needs a drastic makeover and a diet. CEOs should not make hundreds of times what average workers make. Workers need to be valued as the real engines of industry through their productivity and as the real job creators through their role as consumers. That's not socialism but common sense economics with attention to the bottom line. Obama got way more "bang for buck" out of Axelrod and the real grassroots than Romney got for Rove, Sununu and all his fat head old boys and paid grassroot posers. Corporate America will either learn the lesson or they will fail. Never underestimate American workers. In solidarity.
Occupy Sandy Relief NYC: A Model to Remember
First posed in FB 11/12/12:
Last night, representatives from The National Guard, the Bloomberg administration, and the NYPD attended Occupy Sandy Relief NYC's center in powerless Red Hook to assess and learn from the movement's efforts.
Glenn Nisall, a 53-year-old homebound man living in the Rockaways without power and no family to help him. Occupy Sandy volunteers brought him hot food and water. "I said: 'Occupy? You mean Occupy Wall Street?' I said: 'Awesome, man. I'm one of the 99 percent, you know?'" occupy_sandy_recognized_by_ny_times.php
Glenn Nisall, a 53-year-old homebound man living in the Rockaways without power and no family to help him. Occupy Sandy volunteers brought him hot food and water. "I said: 'Occupy? You mean Occupy Wall Street?' I said: 'Awesome, man. I'm one of the 99 percent, you know?'"
GOPs Play the race card
First posted 10/26/12:
No doubt top Romney campaign advisor John Sununu will say this is because the former Secretary of State's race, just as he did a few days ago regarding former Secretary of State Colin Powell. This is a diabolical tactic to invalidate and marginalize the opinions of a large group of Americans. No wonder so many Americans who members of the GOPs attempt to marginalize (based on ethnicity, gender, age, so-called "race," and religion) are likely to vote for President Obama. Never forget it was the GOPs who played the race card.
Regarding: Condoleezza Rice Agrees Obama Didn’t Lie About Libya (VIDEO)
and also Colin Powell's Former Chief Of Staff: 'My Party Is Full Of Racists' 26/ lawrence-wilkerson-colin-powell-sununu_n_ 2027721.html?ncid=edlinkusaolp00000009
No doubt top Romney campaign advisor John Sununu will say this is because the former Secretary of State's race, just as he did a few days ago regarding former Secretary of State Colin Powell. This is a diabolical tactic to invalidate and marginalize the opinions of a large group of Americans. No wonder so many Americans who members of the GOPs attempt to marginalize (based on ethnicity, gender, age, so-called "race," and religion) are likely to vote for President Obama. Never forget it was the GOPs who played the race card.
Regarding: Condoleezza Rice Agrees Obama Didn’t Lie About Libya (VIDEO)
and also Colin Powell's Former Chief Of Staff: 'My Party Is Full Of Racists'
Money corrupts at the Local Level
First posted FB 10/25/12:
In related local news, the Reno City Council doubles down on their--NO OUR debt adding $30million loan to the old boy hucksters who conned the City into paying for the ballpark in the first place. Has anyone looked at recent ticket receipts? They are not pulling many more than Moana Park did. At the same time, they still haven't acted on the broken parking meter scandal that shifts profits (revenues) out of our area.
Regarding: "CEOs Call for Deficit Action" SB100014240529702039370045780762533726330 58.html
In related local news, the Reno City Council doubles down on their--NO OUR debt adding $30million loan to the old boy hucksters who conned the City into paying for the ballpark in the first place. Has anyone looked at recent ticket receipts? They are not pulling many more than Moana Park did. At the same time, they still haven't acted on the broken parking meter scandal that shifts profits (revenues) out of our area.
Regarding: "CEOs Call for Deficit Action"
Roof Vegetable Gardening in China
First posted FB 10/8/12
Regarding: "Roof vegetable garden in Zhejiang"
IF the Chinese are winning, its because they are using the skills we used to have, ingenuity, innovation, ability to be resilient and to maintain their sustainability. Remember when that was us, before we got bogged down in bureaucracy and corrupt monied interests? I believe we can do it again. We need to stop letting the corporate monied interests run us. No more b.s. virtual reality shows, not more corporate network TV. We need to remember how to think for ourselves. By the way, its not really a competition with China, its about our own cultural survival as a people and more fundamentally and globally as a species.
War is Not Healthy
Posted on FB 10/3/12: International Day of Peace's photo:

"War does not determine who is right - only who is left." ~ Bertrand Russell
GOPs: Please Send Away the Clowns
First posted on FB 9/18/12:
Republicans friends and kin. I can no longer stand to watch your disgraceful self-destructive path. You have now hit rock bottom. Please get into rehab and heal thyself. Stop being the party of hate and no. President Obama may not be the best president in history, but he's far from the worst. How can we do better as a nation if you insist on running corrupt clowns for candidates who are hell bound on destroying our economy for the sake of partisanship? Please focus on ideas to improve our country not to tear it apart with this constant temper tantrum of what you are against and this class war that disproportionately benefits the rich at the expense of everyone else. Kick the moronic anti-science, anti-education Tea bagger hyperbole to the curb and restore fiscally responsible conservative values. This means that rich bums like Romney also have to pay their fair share. I was raised in a can do family, that believed in hard work and American ingenuity. I believe we can make America self reliant in terms of our energy needs and that we can learn to live more balanced, sustainable lives that are more in tune with the earth and other peoples of the world. The United States can once again be number one in education, science, the arts and technology. But we conservatives and progressives BOTH need to do a better job of thinking positively, advancing our very best ideas, and consistently striving to achieve excellence. We need to stop settling. Send away the clowns.
Republicans friends and kin. I can no longer stand to watch your disgraceful self-destructive path. You have now hit rock bottom. Please get into rehab and heal thyself. Stop being the party of hate and no. President Obama may not be the best president in history, but he's far from the worst. How can we do better as a nation if you insist on running corrupt clowns for candidates who are hell bound on destroying our economy for the sake of partisanship? Please focus on ideas to improve our country not to tear it apart with this constant temper tantrum of what you are against and this class war that disproportionately benefits the rich at the expense of everyone else. Kick the moronic anti-science, anti-education Tea bagger hyperbole to the curb and restore fiscally responsible conservative values. This means that rich bums like Romney also have to pay their fair share. I was raised in a can do family, that believed in hard work and American ingenuity. I believe we can make America self reliant in terms of our energy needs and that we can learn to live more balanced, sustainable lives that are more in tune with the earth and other peoples of the world. The United States can once again be number one in education, science, the arts and technology. But we conservatives and progressives BOTH need to do a better job of thinking positively, advancing our very best ideas, and consistently striving to achieve excellence. We need to stop settling. Send away the clowns.
Poll Watcher
First posted on FB 9/11/12:
Once again on election day I will be a poll watcher and I will be observing not only the polls but the potential vigilantes and I will do my small part to ensure that any would be intimidation is kept at a distance from American citizens performing their civic duty. The idea that there is a concerted effort on the Right to disenfranchise voters in order to steal an election still blows my mind. I recognize not all Conservatives are involved but their leaders are tolerating, even encouraging it. So I will stand watch in solidarity with the new citizen and the elderly person who hasn't driven for years and the person who's polling place has changed because they lost their home to foreclosure and the young first time voter because freedom has never been free.
Response to: 10/ minority-voters_n_1871138.html?utm_hp_ref =politics
Once again on election day I will be a poll watcher and I will be observing not only the polls but the potential vigilantes and I will do my small part to ensure that any would be intimidation is kept at a distance from American citizens performing their civic duty. The idea that there is a concerted effort on the Right to disenfranchise voters in order to steal an election still blows my mind. I recognize not all Conservatives are involved but their leaders are tolerating, even encouraging it. So I will stand watch in solidarity with the new citizen and the elderly person who hasn't driven for years and the person who's polling place has changed because they lost their home to foreclosure and the young first time voter because freedom has never been free.
Response to:
Let's Be Clear
First posted on my FB page 8/24/12:
It’s NOT Job-Killing Obama Care but LIFE SAVING HEALTH CARE;
Millions more have access to life saving health care because of ACA. That’s a fact.
1% DON’T CREATE JOBS, THEY KILL JOBS; Big Corporations cut jobs and export them overseas to improve their bottom line and appease stock holders.
MIDDLE CLASS AMERICANS ARE THE REAL JOB CREATORS; We create demand, by living, working and consuming locally, driving the need for services and consumer items.
Because of Congressional Obstructionists we have done nothing to prepare for changing climate, our farmers are suffering, more than 50% of all counties in the U.S. have been declared disasters, our food supply is in critical danger and still
The stage was set by failed trickle down policies of Republicans Obstructionists and the 1%, and Deregulators collaborating with Clinton, Bush and Congress; ALL THESE FAILED LAISSEX FAIRE NEO-LIBERAL POLICIES CREATED THE CURRENT ECONOMIC RECESSION AND MORE OF THE SAME WILL NOT FIX THE PROBLEM.
Governor Romney proposes a continuation of the FAILED TRICKLE DOWN POLICIES and REPEAL the few strides Americans have made over the last 4 years, i.e. repeal of Affordable Care Act, raise interest rates on student loan, reduce Pell Grant eligibility, and bring back middle man loan agents in the student loan process (the latter has led to college students and recent graduates being $1 trillion in debt).
Despite what people may think, it took over a decade to recover from the Great Depression. It took a huge Jobs Program (WPA) to keep us from going under and we still didn’t really turn the corner into prosperity until millions of Americans returned home from War and were given opportunities for education and home ownership through government programs. This was NOT FREE HANDOUTS but opportunities to work for a living and to qualify for loan and grant programs with eligibility based on time served in our military. We can do this again, but we need Congress on the side of Middle Class American people, NOT the 1%.
It’s NOT Job-Killing Obama Care but LIFE SAVING HEALTH CARE;
Millions more have access to life saving health care because of ACA. That’s a fact.
1% DON’T CREATE JOBS, THEY KILL JOBS; Big Corporations cut jobs and export them overseas to improve their bottom line and appease stock holders.
MIDDLE CLASS AMERICANS ARE THE REAL JOB CREATORS; We create demand, by living, working and consuming locally, driving the need for services and consumer items.
Because of Congressional Obstructionists we have done nothing to prepare for changing climate, our farmers are suffering, more than 50% of all counties in the U.S. have been declared disasters, our food supply is in critical danger and still
The stage was set by failed trickle down policies of Republicans Obstructionists and the 1%, and Deregulators collaborating with Clinton, Bush and Congress; ALL THESE FAILED LAISSEX FAIRE NEO-LIBERAL POLICIES CREATED THE CURRENT ECONOMIC RECESSION AND MORE OF THE SAME WILL NOT FIX THE PROBLEM.
Governor Romney proposes a continuation of the FAILED TRICKLE DOWN POLICIES and REPEAL the few strides Americans have made over the last 4 years, i.e. repeal of Affordable Care Act, raise interest rates on student loan, reduce Pell Grant eligibility, and bring back middle man loan agents in the student loan process (the latter has led to college students and recent graduates being $1 trillion in debt).
Despite what people may think, it took over a decade to recover from the Great Depression. It took a huge Jobs Program (WPA) to keep us from going under and we still didn’t really turn the corner into prosperity until millions of Americans returned home from War and were given opportunities for education and home ownership through government programs. This was NOT FREE HANDOUTS but opportunities to work for a living and to qualify for loan and grant programs with eligibility based on time served in our military. We can do this again, but we need Congress on the side of Middle Class American people, NOT the 1%.
Iraqi Refugees Caught in Limbo
From my FB page first posted 8/23/12:
Reposted from "From the Frying Pan into the fire:
"To be sure, the cost was high — the blood and treasure of the United States and also of the Iraqi people. But those lives have not been lost in vain — they gave birth to an independent, free and sovereign Iraq. And because of the sacrifices made, these years of war have now yielded to a new era of opportunity … We may have ended the war, but we are not walking away from our responsibility." ~ Obama. Sure, it was Bush's war, but history will show that most Americans supported it and then we as a nation failed to take responsibility for the aftermath. This story is about Iraqi refugees caught in limbo because of our actions and inactions:
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