made $6 billion over the last three years and didn’t pay a dime in
federal income taxes, in part because the tax code subsidized its
purchase of new planes. This gave FedEx a huge tax subsidy worth $2.1
billion." Set asides brought to you by the same traitors in Congress who
force the U.S. Postal Service to pay Congress $5.5 billion in extortion
money just to stay in business. Thanks Bill Moyers for the list:
10 Corporate Tax Dodgers You Should Know About
Tuesday, November 18, 2014
Bill Moyers on Corporate Tax Dodgers
First posted 7/3/14:
First posted FB 7/1/14:
Ok, two things for locals, did you hear all the notices on TV today about the thunder storms? You'd think we were about to wash away. The one that ended up getting a great laugh at dinner was when they told us to stay away from windows. Thank goodness they saved lives all over the Truckee Meadows with that one! The other thing is for Renoites--is anyone else annoyed that we now have to pay $2.25 for extra bags or branch bundles that don't fit in the trash? Used to be we'd slip the guys a fiver once in a while, but now the trash folks require a sticker per item and those stickers cost bucks. The guys tell us they are being watched and are afraid to go against their bosses on this. Yesterday I heard all our recycled items are being sent to China (haven't verified it yet). That's been proven to be very bad economically and environmentally, and an inhumane strategy. Did we vote for this unsound business practice, is it another lamebrain plan by our city council, or is it the knuckleheads on the staff that came up with this unsound business practice?
Ok, two things for locals, did you hear all the notices on TV today about the thunder storms? You'd think we were about to wash away. The one that ended up getting a great laugh at dinner was when they told us to stay away from windows. Thank goodness they saved lives all over the Truckee Meadows with that one! The other thing is for Renoites--is anyone else annoyed that we now have to pay $2.25 for extra bags or branch bundles that don't fit in the trash? Used to be we'd slip the guys a fiver once in a while, but now the trash folks require a sticker per item and those stickers cost bucks. The guys tell us they are being watched and are afraid to go against their bosses on this. Yesterday I heard all our recycled items are being sent to China (haven't verified it yet). That's been proven to be very bad economically and environmentally, and an inhumane strategy. Did we vote for this unsound business practice, is it another lamebrain plan by our city council, or is it the knuckleheads on the staff that came up with this unsound business practice?
Katrina Vanden Heuvel Calls Out Bill Kristol
First posted FB 6/29/14:
“This Week with George Stephanopoulos” burying their own lead? Why
isn’t their webpage even giving access to the round table? By far the
most newsworthy item on the show was Katrina Vanden Heuvel calling out
Bill Kristol: “The balance is off. For example, the President should go
to Congress if he is going to take military action in Iraq, and that
was a part of your interview, George. And I think,
we’re sitting here at a moment, when we’re talking about John Boehner,
but the central question about war and peace in this country, there is
no military solution to Iraq. And I have to say, sitting next to Bill
Kristol, I mean the architects of catastrophe that have cost this
country trillions of dollars, thousands of lives, there should be
accountability. If there are no regrets for the failed assumptions that
have so grievously wounded this nation, I don’t know what happened to
our politics and media accountability, but we need it Bill, because this
county should not go back to war. We don’t need armchair warriors, and
if you feel so strongly, you should, with all due respect, enlist in
the Iraqi army.” THANK YOU Ms. Vanden Heuvel for speaking the truth to a
megalomaniac neocon warmonger. I can't link you to the Roundtable,
because apparently "The Week" staff are in the bathroom hiding. But here
is a recent opinion piece by Ms. Vanden Heuvel: http://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/
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Cuckoos in the News Room
First posted FB 6/29/14:
ABC News, does everything in your world have to be an arms race? Title
is more revealing about the real cuckoos working in the media
entertainment industry, but still interesting story, if light: http://abcnews.go.com/Technology/
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K-college Burnout Over Assessment
First posted 6/28/14:
I see some of the same problems in the NSHE system. Thankfully we have
made strides at fixing our equity where I teach, but other schools in
the system have not. Assessment remains something of a hoop dance,
countless new, meaningless hurdles that definitely cause us to loose
focus, and have absolutely NOTHING to do with helping our students to
succeed. Clearly this is a national phenomenon affecting K-college.
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Shell needs to stop drilling
First posted FB 6/28/14:
let me be clear, I come from a proud family of oil people. My father,
uncle and grandfather all worked for Sinclair; all three remained loyal
and dedicated to oil until their last day. But my father had diversified
quite a bit by the time he retired with a stint as an drilling engineer
at the Nevada Test Site, and he was one of the first geothermal
engineers in the U.S. and for the State of Nevada.
Our generation, all of us, probably owe our standard a living and
college educations of our entire generation to the oil business. But its
done. Any oil company that has not figured out its time to diversify
and transition to solar, wind and any other sources of cleaner, more
renewable forms of energy that our engineers can develop is lost in a
time warp. The time for the oil industry has come and soon will be a
thing of the past. Time to evolve. Mother Earth has done everything
possible to make this clear to all thinking humans.
The View; Who Cares?
First posted in FB 6/27/14:
Sheri and somebody I've never heard of named Jenny (I think) are
leaving The View and their FB page asks who should replace them.
Hmmmmmmmmmmmmm. How can they ever replace the chemistry of a cranky,
loveable renown comic, a bitchy conservative blonde married to a
football player, a ditzy Christian single Mom, and Barb? Well, the
obvious answer is don't. Find a new mix. The other obvious answer is another question: who
Burpee Seeds?
First posted on FB 6/25/14:
principle, I am not opposed the concept of GMOs (genetically modified
organisms). But we should have the right to know the pedigree of our
food so that we can responsibly manage our own health and welfare.
Frankly, virtually ALL of the varieties and many of the species that we
love today would not be possible without genetic modification
modification. This is a very basic tenet of understanding
anthropogenics and our role as creators and stewards of the planet. We
are indebted to Darwin and Wallace for our first steps toward a unifying
theory of evolution. Both were naturalists on independent voyages
sailing the world in the mid-1800s. Their field observations on their
respective voyages combined with their collective knowledge of
contemporary breeding experiments of domesticated species of plants and
animals led to their revolutionary theory of Natural Selection. Another
key hallmark leading to our basic understand of simple genetics stems
from Gregor Mendel's extremely important breeding experiments on peas.
These tests also occurred in the mid-1800s. For myself. Its hard to
fathom what our environments and our food would look like without their
early steps. My concerns with GMOs arise when geneticists, breeders and
chemists get into the lab and cross tobacco genes with tomatoes, are add
insecticide and pesticide genes into potatoes. I believe we should all
have a right to know what is in our food and in the air, water, soil and
lifeforms around us. Period.
Can You Trust Burpee Seeds?
Loaded Gun in the Toy Aisle
First posted on FB 6/25/14:
I have to say I found this on the Open Carry Texas page with this statement: "#guncontrolextremists
just won't get it through their sycophantic heads that criminals don't
obey laws. This felon had an illegal gun in Target, but these anti-gun
zealots are bullying Target to subject their customers to being victims
of these criminals without the ability to defend themselves." Now I
read the article and I got a whole other
sense of what went down. I suspect the man was guilty of being in South
Carolina while Black. If you look at his "felon" charge it could easily
have been that he got in a fight and then the cops piled on the
charges. He seem to have been lost in the system for four months ended
up with a felony. So there was apparently a man seen in the vicinity of
the toy section who was "black man walking around...appeared nervous and
fidgety." Well, so parts of South Carolina can be as racist as some
parts of Texas? What a surprise. Finally, please notice how the term
alleged is nowhere in the title or the story. The case is ironclad
because "Myrtle Beach Police have positively identified their suspect"
which smacks of...well, enough said. Come one Hollywood, could we
please have a couple of films to drive public sentiment and with it send
these racist gun-toting idiots back into their holes?
Ultima Ratio Reagan
First posted on FB 6/25/14:
To the neocons who want us to attack Iraq or Syria, or wherever it is today, I dedicate this poem by Howard Nemerov (1920-1991), born in NYC, who serve first as a pilot first in the Canadian Air Force in 1941 and then with U.S. Army Air Force in 1943 (the latter was also my father's branch of the service, although they served in different theaters).
The poem is entitled: "Ultima Ratio Reagan":
"The reason we do not learn from history is
Because we are not the people who learned last time.
Because we are not the same people as them
That fed our sons and honor to Vietnam
And dropped the burning money on their trees,
We know that we know better than they knew,
And history will not blame us if once again
The light at the end of the tunnel is the train."
To the neocons who want us to attack Iraq or Syria, or wherever it is today, I dedicate this poem by Howard Nemerov (1920-1991), born in NYC, who serve first as a pilot first in the Canadian Air Force in 1941 and then with U.S. Army Air Force in 1943 (the latter was also my father's branch of the service, although they served in different theaters).
The poem is entitled: "Ultima Ratio Reagan":
"The reason we do not learn from history is
Because we are not the people who learned last time.
Because we are not the same people as them
That fed our sons and honor to Vietnam
And dropped the burning money on their trees,
We know that we know better than they knew,
And history will not blame us if once again
The light at the end of the tunnel is the train."
Pro-fracking NPR
First posted on FB 6/25/14:
had business report correspondent today telling us there is more crude
oil in this country than there is refinery capacity and we need to build
up capacity to be able to export it. It was an unveiled
profracking/propipeline propoganda. Its all about oil, they said, the
answer to all our problems. So its not just the warmongers who are
neocons today, its public radio.
First posted 6/18/14:
A lot of Americans still don't even know the corporate plan is to gut and pollute our continent in order to ship oil overseas. Meanwhile Monsanto is gaining control over much of our food supply and Nestle's is privatizing our clean water. Many don't care, others don't want to know. This is a struggle for our sovereignty, our basic way of life as free citizens and our human need to provide healthy, secure, viable lives for our children. We have to stop this corporate takeover of Congress--both Dems and GOPs are complicit. We need to find another path. That's why so many are leaving the two sellout parties and so many young people refuse to partake of the sellout parties.
Regarding 350.org FB photo 6/3/14:
A lot of Americans still don't even know the corporate plan is to gut and pollute our continent in order to ship oil overseas. Meanwhile Monsanto is gaining control over much of our food supply and Nestle's is privatizing our clean water. Many don't care, others don't want to know. This is a struggle for our sovereignty, our basic way of life as free citizens and our human need to provide healthy, secure, viable lives for our children. We have to stop this corporate takeover of Congress--both Dems and GOPs are complicit. We need to find another path. That's why so many are leaving the two sellout parties and so many young people refuse to partake of the sellout parties.
Regarding 350.org FB photo 6/3/14:
Attention Target Shoppers!
First posted on 6/12/14:
Attention Target shoppers! Ok if the open carry nutbunch in the diaper section of the store wasn't enough, when I wrote a check in Target today and the cashier asked me if I minded if he scanned my drivers license into their computer. Thanks for asking and NO THANKS! Hey, we know how Target protects our privacy and how secure their database is. Driver License in NV provides the following: driver's license number (of course), a reasonably accurate photo ID, birth date, physical address, demographics (gender, hair, eye color, height, weight mas o menos), signature, etc.). What could possibly go wrong?
Attention Target shoppers! Ok if the open carry nutbunch in the diaper section of the store wasn't enough, when I wrote a check in Target today and the cashier asked me if I minded if he scanned my drivers license into their computer. Thanks for asking and NO THANKS! Hey, we know how Target protects our privacy and how secure their database is. Driver License in NV provides the following: driver's license number (of course), a reasonably accurate photo ID, birth date, physical address, demographics (gender, hair, eye color, height, weight mas o menos), signature, etc.). What could possibly go wrong?
Reich on Private Prisons
First posted FB 6/10/14:
almost shared/posted a piece on how our number of prison inmates has
grown 700% so that capitalism has a slave labor force, but on the flip
side of that is a more positive note moving forward. We need to help
every young person get the job skills and more importantly the liberal
education they need to be productive members of society and to be good
citizens, to be able to raise families in a safe and healthy
environment. Thank you President Obama! Congress, won't you come to the
party too? We're watching, waiting, taking names and we vote!
Regarding Robert Reich 6/10/14 post : https://www.facebook.com/RBReich/posts/809325925746672 |
Student Loan Refnancing
First posted on FB 6/8/14:
Student Loan Refinancing Floor Speech
used to be a skeptic about this issue. Heck I took out loans and paid
them back. But today is not like it was 25 years ago when I was
graduated. There will be no future for our young college graduates, they
will not be able to enter their chosen professions and raise young
families without refinancing. Please explain to me why the banks loan
each other money at a tiny fraction of what our young people borrow to
go to college. I dare you to do it with a straight face. Let's pay it
forward for our collective future.
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Yusuf Inducted to R&R Hall of Fame
First posted on FB 6/8/14:
Congratulations to Yusuf / Cat Stevens
for your induction into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame! I still
remember listening to your haunting "Moon Shadow" on a summer evening
long ago--a dreary, haunting song for sure, but what teenager couldn't
relate? We all felt your presence Cat, that you were one of us. I
remember just where I was, the feel of the cool, still, desert night,
bright stars and a crescent moon with
bright city lights away on the horizon. I won't say exactly where we
were on that lonely night, sitting in a circle on a lawn of cool grass,
because we might be blamed for that big hole in the chain linked fence
just behind us. So I'll simply say we were visiting "Gary Dexter" which
was code for our inner circle of adolescents in the City of Sin so many
years ago ;) Today we can see how we've all changed, Yusuf. Some of
those who listened to your songs didn't make it to the new millennia.
Two of my dearest high school friends were lost to the HIV/AIDS epidemic
halfway between then and now. For those of us still here, today is a
time of reflection about those years at the "edge of darkness" as we
ponder what we may leave behind, "dreaming about the world as one" and
how we can help make our planet and our species whole. So Yusuf, I pray
moving forward you and I are (praise be to Allah) more inclined to sing
of hope than loss as we ask our brothers and sisters to "jump upon the
Peace Train."
CEOs cost more than Workers
First posted on FB 6/8/14:
Basic math: the more upper management is paid, the less there is to pay the employees who actually produce value for the corporation, be it manufactured or processed items or services. Meanwhile we end up subsidizing these same greedy corporations with our tax dollars through tax breaks, offsets, and a safety net for their employees who often can't make ends meet. This model is not economically viable or sustainable, and it risks our long term national security. It makes a tiny group uber rich while exploiting the rest of us. We need to speak out against subsidizing this failed, dysfunctional model. Tomorrow President Obama will announce an Executive Order to help college students to get out from under their suffocating debt. The Senate is schedule to debate legislation to put it into law, but characteristically Republicans are against it because it is funded by reducing tax breaks for the uber rich. Time to spam your Senators' communications lines: Senator Harry Reid and Senator Dean Heller, whose side are you on? Will you support a few fat cats who will spend the rest of they and their children's lives in luxury, no matter what happens? Or will you support our country by helping young Americans who are pursuing professional careers to get out of debt so they can help us grow our national economy? Will you help to give the younger generation a more promising future or will you continue to enable our economic decline?
Regarding the image and article on Jobs With Justice FB page 6/4/14:
Basic math: the more upper management is paid, the less there is to pay the employees who actually produce value for the corporation, be it manufactured or processed items or services. Meanwhile we end up subsidizing these same greedy corporations with our tax dollars through tax breaks, offsets, and a safety net for their employees who often can't make ends meet. This model is not economically viable or sustainable, and it risks our long term national security. It makes a tiny group uber rich while exploiting the rest of us. We need to speak out against subsidizing this failed, dysfunctional model. Tomorrow President Obama will announce an Executive Order to help college students to get out from under their suffocating debt. The Senate is schedule to debate legislation to put it into law, but characteristically Republicans are against it because it is funded by reducing tax breaks for the uber rich. Time to spam your Senators' communications lines: Senator Harry Reid and Senator Dean Heller, whose side are you on? Will you support a few fat cats who will spend the rest of they and their children's lives in luxury, no matter what happens? Or will you support our country by helping young Americans who are pursuing professional careers to get out of debt so they can help us grow our national economy? Will you help to give the younger generation a more promising future or will you continue to enable our economic decline?
Regarding the image and article on Jobs With Justice FB page 6/4/14:
Kiribati is drowing
First posted on FB 6/8/14:
Well Kiribati is an island the 1% won't buy up to seek refuge during the eminent sea level rise, because it will be uninhabitable in 20 years. Global climate change has already shrunk their habitable space, which in turn has triggered issues of overpopulation, clean water shortages, and their ability to raises their own food, etc. Fareed Zakaria spoke with Kiribati President Anote Tong today. I've linked to an abbreviated version of the interview. One of the most profound things I heard President Tong say was that the science indicates its already too late for them. Already they've purchased land in Fiji and eventually they'll have to emigrate. Imagine having to abandon your homeland because of the greed, ignorance and indifference of people on the other side of the world. This time its not a sloth trying to cross a busy road as tourists watch and photograph its peril while telling themselves they'll step in before its too late. This time is a society on the verge of extinction because we can't be bothered to change, because it doesn't affect us directly--yet.
Well Kiribati is an island the 1% won't buy up to seek refuge during the eminent sea level rise, because it will be uninhabitable in 20 years. Global climate change has already shrunk their habitable space, which in turn has triggered issues of overpopulation, clean water shortages, and their ability to raises their own food, etc. Fareed Zakaria spoke with Kiribati President Anote Tong today. I've linked to an abbreviated version of the interview. One of the most profound things I heard President Tong say was that the science indicates its already too late for them. Already they've purchased land in Fiji and eventually they'll have to emigrate. Imagine having to abandon your homeland because of the greed, ignorance and indifference of people on the other side of the world. This time its not a sloth trying to cross a busy road as tourists watch and photograph its peril while telling themselves they'll step in before its too late. This time is a society on the verge of extinction because we can't be bothered to change, because it doesn't affect us directly--yet.
Will this nation disappear off the map?
Letter for DNCC
First posted on FB 6/7/14:
to share this, too funny. Maybe they didn't see my name because they
spelled it wrong? lol And the irony is that when you click on the link
it skips through to a donate now page. Yeah, leave it to the Democrats
to make this into a scam to score some cash!
Nancy Pelosi info@obamabiden.com via bounce.bluestatedigital.com 10:15 AM (38 minutes ago) You are receiving this message as an Obama for America supporter. The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee is solely responsible for the content of this message. You’re missing out on history: 491,373 people and counting have added their names calling for a Constitutional amendment to end Citizens United. But -- we don’t see your name. This is your chance to strike a crushing blow to a system that allows the Koch brothers and special interests to buy elections and drown out the voices of regular Americans. This is your chance to stand up for our democracy. Name: Juila Hammett PETITION SIGNATURE: PENDING >> We’re just 8,627 signatures short of hitting our goal of 500,000 signatures. Will you add your name now? http://dccc.org/Stop-Citizens-United signed Nancy Pelosi Hey, p.s. to Nancy Pelosi, Congresswoman, do you remember how Obama blew off his gentlemen's agreement with John McCain to live by the Campaign Finance Reform rules as soon as he realized he could make more money from small donors? Yeah well, I do. If you want any credibility on this issue, you better lose the obamabiden.com branding. |
When the Birds Stop Singing
First posted on FB 6/5/14:
had an ah ha moment. A storm cloud soared overhead, its not raining,
but its ominous. I just realized part of why it feels so ominous, the
birds stopped singing. They all went to bed early because of the cloud,
or so it seems. Creepy, unnatural not having birds singing. Never
thought about it that way.
Bill Moyers on Homeless Economics
First posted on FB 6/4/14:
do we keep seeing these studies that seem to put a cost on human lives?
Ok, so the math doesn't even work to be a greedy, selfish 1% pig...so
what? Perhaps it doesn't make good economic sense from the standpoint of
our national interest to have a large low-skilled workforce living on
the edge. But does that really matter if the ruling class wants to
maintain a permanent underclass of mindless hegemonic, fear driven herd
of sheeple? Some places its not even legal to feed hungry people.
College is quickly becoming out of reach for the working middle-class,
which will ensure that low-skilled workforce well into the future. This
is the country we have built with our complacency.
Regarding Billmoyers.com post 5/28/14:
President Obama on Cleaner, Safer Energy
First posted in FB 5/31/14:
Thank you President Barack Obama
for taking another step in the right direction for our future: “One of
the best things we can do for our economy, or heath and our environment
is to lead the world in producing cleaner, safer energy…Every four
minutes another American home or business goes solar. Every panel is
pounded into place to a worker whose job cannot be shipped overseas…In
America we don’t have to choose between
the health of our children and the health of our economy. The old rules
may say we can’t protect our environment and promote economic growth at
the same time but in America we’ve always used technology to break the
old rules. As President and as a parent, I refuse to condemn our
children to a planet that is beyond fixing. The shift to a cleaner
energy economy won’t happen overnight, and it will require tough choices
along the way. But a low carbon, clean energy economy can be an engine
of growth for decades to come. America will build that engine. America
will build the future, a future that’s cleaner, more prosperous and full
of good jobs. A future where we can look our kids in the eye and tell
them we did our part to leave them a safer, more stable world.”
Regarding Leagues of Conservation FB photo 5/31/14:
Veterans Deserve More
First posted on FB 5/30/14:
of the double speak that this is a long term, chronic problem,
Americans want action now. We want every single case investigated and
ALL Veterans who are honorably discharged should be immediately signed
up for VA health care, no run around, no waiting lists. Period. This
isn't about protecting those at the top of any party affiliation. This
is about protecting those who fought for us, served with honor, and
sacrificed for our country. This despicable bureaucratic runaround has
to stop. I ask you my FB friends, to read this article and then share
your thoughts with your members of Congress and the President: http://www.courthousenews.com/2014/05/ 25/68182.htm
Regarding Courthouse News Service courthousenews.com 5/25/14:
Outstanding NC teacher leaves; implications for NV
First posted on FB 5/28/14:
Outstanding teacher reluctantly leaving North Carolina | NC Policy Watch
the mid1990s to mid2000s Nevadans watched yet another boom/bust as
hundreds of thousands flocked to the Silver State for construction and
real estate flipping projects. They put a heavy burden on social
services and schools but we were in a happy hiring phase as business
built up to support the housing bubble. Then 2008 came, the real estate
bubble popped, and many of the carpetbaggers left mini
ghost town neighborhoods behind them. Unfortunately they also left
behind too many dumb clucks who still think we can fix the budget
deficit with belt tightening. There is no fat left in the college
system; I suspect there is little left in K-12. Over the last 5 years we
have suffered a serious brain drain as many talented young people left
our state for more stable economies. I read this NC article thinking
about NV. Unless the progressives and moderates wake up and stand up to
selfish and greedy members of the right, Nevada will be in the same
place as North Carolina. Look at the data, Nevada still drags at the
bottom in school funding and graduation rates. We need to stand for
education in NC and NV and everywhere else in America. Enough of dumbing
down our society. Incidentally maybe PLAN needs to build a "soapbox"
like this one in NC: http://www.ncpolicywatch.com/2013/11/14/
Big Tobacco Koc Brothers and the Tea Party
First posted in FB 5/25/14:

interesting research. Koch brothers and big tobacco were behind the
so-called grassroots movement all the time. That's why they had funding
all the way. Let's hope those lulled into the movement wake up soon and
realize they were exploited by the 1%.
Window Lickers
First posted on FB 5/25/14:
Ok, I posted a couple of comments on or about the Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America page today and then this evening in my thread there is a site called:" Window Lickers of Moms Demand Action" with a lot of pro-NFA/pro-gun spin and concerted push back against MDA. The "Window Lickers" created their page on May 2, 2014, one month after the second Ft. Hood shooting.
Ok, I posted a couple of comments on or about the Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America page today and then this evening in my thread there is a site called:" Window Lickers of Moms Demand Action" with a lot of pro-NFA/pro-gun spin and concerted push back against MDA. The "Window Lickers" created their page on May 2, 2014, one month after the second Ft. Hood shooting.
Fast Growing Seattle
First posted on FB 5/22/14:
Nevadans, in a strange sort of way, I find this graphic hopeful for our
state's future. Maybe now we can focus on recovery and sustainability,
and try to prevent another boom/bust economy?
Regarding the seattletimes.com post 5/22/14:
Nation's fastest growing big city? It's Seattle
Corporate Profit and Dishonesty
First posted on FB 5/22/14:
did intellectual property become only about corporate profit? Seems
whenever I hear the term on NPR it's some company whining about Chinese
hackers or two corporations duking it out. What happened to teaching
your children not to lie, steal or cheat? I think our loss of privacy a
la the internet is only one more step in this mission creep. BP not ever
having to tell us what toxins and carcinogens they dumped in the Gulf,
let alone the quantities of their secondary toxic spill is only one
First posted on FB 5/19/14:
Ok, I get so many boycott notices, how do we keep track? I'm going to
try to keep a list and make it publicly available and people can freely
comment on it. Anyone who wants to add info can message me or I'll give
you editing rights if I have a reasonable sense you are an honest type.
People like Ric Steinberger, Susan Yarnell, Jean Black Yarnell, Adrian A. Havas, Susan Carol Hoog, and other activists brothers and sisters who tend to post boycotts might want to go ahead and ask me to add them to the list. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/
Not in the News
First posted on FB 5/17/14:
Referring to US Uncut post 3/2/14:
Bundy idiots get national news and Climate activists are arrested with
hardly a peep by the media. I guess people in President Rubio's home
state of Florida will have to drown before our nation wakes up.
Referring to US Uncut post 3/2/14:
Sabbatical Begins; What Am I Forgetting?
First posted on FB 5/13/14:
I look at my online teaching page, I see 10 research papers and 25
final essays ready to grade--final deadline for research papers is
tonight and for final essays is Wednesday night. ALL my hard copy paper
grading: done as of 3:40 pm yesterday at PHO Restaurant
my favorite grading hideaway. So given 30 online research papers, and
perhaps 100 online final essays, grades to calculate and post, then the
graduation promenade and I AM ON SABBATICAL FOR THE NEXT YEAR. What am I
forgetting? Right, empty the cat box and feed the cat.
Violence is Never the Answer
First posted on FB 4/18/14:
stand for peace. Violence is never the answer. These attacks on
Americans in Yemen by our government without due process were wrong.
Maybe the GOPs will make this an issue. Peace activists have been
complaining for three years about this. I am perfectly willing to let
those contrarians make hay on this so long as it fuels a public
conversation and hopefully ends the practice.http://www.theguardian.com/world/2014/
Off the Grid
First posted on FB 4/18/14:
I keep reading these pro-corporate anti-sustainable energy stories and it occurs to me that there needs to be a way to accept a certain amount of energy from the grid (as we all do) without having to be forced to pay fees to send your privately obtained energy back to the grid, or a way to turn off your connection to the grid when your power supply is sufficient.
I keep reading these pro-corporate anti-sustainable energy stories and it occurs to me that there needs to be a way to accept a certain amount of energy from the grid (as we all do) without having to be forced to pay fees to send your privately obtained energy back to the grid, or a way to turn off your connection to the grid when your power supply is sufficient.
Regarding the Thinkprogress.org story:
Pamphlets Ordering Ukraine Jews to "Register"
First posted on FB 4/18/14
the year 2014, after all of the miles traveled and all of the journey
of history, this is not just intolerable, it is grotesque. It is beyond
unacceptable. And any of the people who engage in these activities, from
whatever party or whatever ideology or whatever place they crawled out
of, there is no place for that. And unanimously, every party today joins
in condemnation of that behavior.” ~ U.S. Secretary of State John
CO2 Hits Highest Point in 800,000 Years--Media Forgets to Post This News...Again
First posted on FB 4/14/14; As of this posting (11/18/14) they 13,763 signatures short.
Referring to image posted on League of Conservation Voters
FB page:
The concentration of Carbon Dioxide--a greenhouse gas that drives climate change--just hit 402 parts per million last week. That's the highest level recorded in at least 800,000 years! http://bit.ly/1gg6qRi
This isn't just shocking, it's dangerous. But we can stop this trend today. Sign this petition telling the EPA to cut carbon pollution from power plants: http://bit.ly/1gg6pg5
Referring to image posted on League of Conservation Voters
FB page:
The concentration of Carbon Dioxide--a greenhouse gas that drives climate change--just hit 402 parts per million last week. That's the highest level recorded in at least 800,000 years! http://bit.ly/1gg6qRi
This isn't just shocking, it's dangerous. But we can stop this trend today. Sign this petition telling the EPA to cut carbon pollution from power plants: http://bit.ly/1gg6pg5
Curry Without Worry
First posted on FB 4/5/14:
Referring to post on "Curry Without Worry" FB page:

So proud of my friend Shrawan Nepali. He has found a way to make a real difference in the world. I am truly honored to know him.
Referring to post on "Curry Without Worry" FB page:

Thousands Protest in Montreal Against Higher Ed Cuts
First posted on FB 4/3/14:
Referring to link posted on US Uncut Timeline 4/3/14:
Referring to link posted on US Uncut Timeline 4/3/14:
Happening NOW! Tens of thousands of students hit the streets of Montreal, Quebec to protest higher education budget cuts and increasing tuition. Police have declared the march illegal and have begun arrests. Canada's corporate media is failing to report this massive uprising. Share to support the students! #manif3avril VIDEO: http://bit.ly/1i56cwt
This Won't End Well
First posted on FB 3/28/14:
Came across this gem while doing some research on territoriality:
"Ethnic and Political Identities and Territorialities in the Post-Soviet Space" (1998).
Sorry to be so negative, but it leads me
to believe that this Ukraine/Russian conflict is unlikely to end well. I
really hope we don't get militarily involved: http://www.nuim.ie/staff/dpringle/
BP Confirms Oil Spill 3/25/14
First posted on FB 3/25/14
Referring to story posted in Chicago Tribune 3/25/14 entitled: "BP
confirms oil spill into Lake Michigan from Whiting refinery."
"...The spill comes amid years of legal challenges from federal officials and environmental groups that have forced BP to take extra steps to curb air and water pollution at the nation’s seventh-largest oil refinery. The Whiting plant remains one of the largest sources of industrial pollution discharged into Lake Michigan, according to federal records." |
Teach Evolution Or Resign
First posted on FB 3/25/14:
learned yesterday that there is a teacher at a local charter high
school teaching APA science classes who is anti-evolution. She tells her
students that those "evolutionists claim.... but its not right because
its inconsistent with the bible." A number of the students cheer because
they don't want to believe it either. I am told she is otherwise a good
science teacher. My source is a couple of my
current students who took her classes a few years ago. They are good
students and I see no reason for them to want to misrepresent the facts.
I'm thinking I should tell someone but don't want this person to be
treated like a witch either. I just want her to teach the curriculum
without undermining the theoretical foundations of the life sciences.
What Should Be Done with ACA?
First posted on FB 3/22/14:
Universal Single Payer for all! To hell I say with the insurance industry, the Koch brothers and their lab dogs in Congress, and all the rest of the evil in the world.
Referring to image posted by Robert Reich 3/24/14:
Universal Single Payer for all! To hell I say with the insurance industry, the Koch brothers and their lab dogs in Congress, and all the rest of the evil in the world.
Referring to image posted by Robert Reich 3/24/14:
The Real Problem with Elected Officials
First Posted 3/16/14 on FB:
The real problem is most were not millionaires before running, they made that money through corruption and insider trading. They are the only group of Americans above the law, and it needs to stop.
Referring this image posted by "Being Liberal" FB page:
The real problem is most were not millionaires before running, they made that money through corruption and insider trading. They are the only group of Americans above the law, and it needs to stop.
Referring this image posted by "Being Liberal" FB page:
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